Asking You Out-Donatello

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You unlocked the door to your apartment. Dad wasn't home yet, he had a case out of town, so tonight, you had the place to yourself. You'd invited Donnie over.
The fact that you liked Donnie both lifted you up and brought you down. He liked April, and you couldn't blame him, either. She was pretty, and kind, and really fun. You were just Y/N, the friend helping him out.
You pushed the door open, heading for your bedroom. The afternoon sun shone through your window as you entered, then gasped as you saw someone sitting in your desk chair.
"Sorry," Donnie jumped up from his experiment, "I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanted to get this experiment over with, and--"
"Donnie!" You silenced his ramblings, "It's fine. I just got startled is all."
Donnie nodded and sat back down.

Donnie's P.O.V.
Gosh, she was so stunning. A marathon of thoughts raced through Donnie's head, trying desperately to analyze the situation. Y/N set down her bag and walked up beside Donnie.
"Anything I can do to help?" She hesitantly asked, and Donnie turned to look into her intriguing e/c eyes. He felt his breath hitch in his throat, but shook off the feeling.
"Sure," Donnie replied, and Y/N knelt down to his level. He started showing her the ropes of the chemicals and the substance he was experimenting on.

(I hour later)

Your P.O.V.
Your tongue started to protrude from your mouth, as you concentrated on the chemicals in front of you, while never taking your attention away from Donnie. You got a little distracted, though.
"Alright, I think I've got it!" You exclaimed, not really looking at what chemical you were about to drop into the mixture.
"No!" Donnie cried, "Not--"
Too late. You added the final drop, and a tiny mushroom cloud exploded into your face. You stumbled back, standing up and coughing.
"Oh gosh," you started to say, "Sorry, D, I didn't--"
Then the sleepiness came on.

Donnie's P.O.V.
Y/N stumbled, her eyes beginning to droop. Donnie was up in a second, catching her before she could fall to the ground.
"Whoa," she said groggily, "What is that stuff?"
"Tranquilizing mist," Donnie explained, "you added a wrong chemical though, so you should be fine in a few seconds."
"That's a relief," she replied, and slumped further into Donnie's arms. He waited until he thought you could stand, then gradually set her back on her feet. They were so close. A few strands of Y/N's h/c hair fell into her face.
Donnie's common sense shut down. He brushed the strands away from her face, looking into her deep e/c eyes.
"I-I'm really sorry," she started, "I should've paid more attention. It--"
"I like you,a lot," Donnie wondered who'd said that, before realizing it was him.

Your P.O.V.
You took in a deep breath, trying to suppress the outburst of awesome feelings that just engulfed you.
"W-what?" You managed to stutter, "b-but I th-thought you liked A-April."
Donnie seemed just as bewildered as you were, but he didn't stop. "Y/N, I liked April because... she was the first girl that ever really knew me. But now..." he looked at you, making you blush, "Now that I know you, I can't even imagine spending time with anyone other than you."
You thought you were going to cry, you were so happy.

Donnie's P.O.V.
That tranquilizing mist must've been really effective. Donnie was delusional. He thought he had just confessed his feelings to Y/N. and now she was smiling at him. Definitely a delusion.
"I like you too, Donnie."
There it was again. Now he was imagining that Y/N returned the feelings.
"Will you... please... go o-out with m-me?" Donnie wasn't sure where that voice was coming from, but he felt his lips moving of their own accord, so he figured it must be him talking.
Y/N smiled so brightly, Donnie could've sworn the room brightened a thousand times more. She wrapped her arms around him, and he eagerly hugged her back.
"Yes," she whispered, "Of course I'll go out with you."
If this wasn't real, Donnie wished this dream could last forever.

Your P.O.V.
It felt so right. You leaned into Donnie's embrace, wishing this moment would never end.
Finally, you had to break apart, or you would've probably stayed like that with him forever.
"You know," you looked into Donnie's deep brown eyes, "I like it when you don't think as much."
Donnie smiled the gap toothed grin you found absolutely adorkable, his face beginning to redden.
You kissed him on the cheek, making the both of you blush to your full extent.

Aww, that was adorable!
Donnie: hey Annabeth, wanna come help me with the tranquilizing mist?
Me: w-w-what?! I thought I made that up!
Donnie: *confused* what do you mean? I just got the idea for it a few hours ago.
Me: okay, this is insane! *looks at you guys* you peeps can see what's going on right?! Coincidence? I think not!
Donnie: ooooookaaaaayyyy....
Me: *sigh* I'll be over in a sec. Remember to comment on ideas for the next few sets of chapters, mah lovelies! Peace out!

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