Babysitting- Michelangelo

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"Yeah, Mikey?"

"Where's the baby food?"

"You just fed him ten minutes ago!"

"But he's hungry! Dylan has my appetite, and you know you can't deny either of us our food!"

I rolled my eyes, sitting down beside Mikey as he played on the floor with my baby cousin. Dylan's eyes were pleading right along with my boyfriend's begging face, but I huffed.

"If you feed him, he'll get a stomach ache," I insisted, "And if he doesn't get a stomach ache, then YOU are changing his diaper."

Mikey wrinkled his nose, looking back down at the little boy. "Sorry, dude," He told him, "But I am NOT suffering through that. You can wait 'till dinner, can't you?"

Dylan only whimpered, looking down at his empty bowl sadly.

Mikey frowned, turning back to me, "Not even a half a cup of carrots?"

I couldn't help laughing a little. "Mikey, Dylan's a world-renowned actor. And that is his famous pouty face. You just have to know how to distract him until the next meal."

I scooped my cousin up in my arms, placing him on my shoulders and closed my eyes, willing my ability to start up, before speeding in circles around the lair, holding tight to Dylan's ankles as he laughed and giggled gleefully. I screeched to a halt back in front of Mikey, who was grinning wildly as he peered up at Dylan.

"Can I try?" He implored, reaching up towards the toddler, "Can I? Please, please, please?"

And then he gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen, which of course, made me cave.

"Okay, just be careful..."

"Yes!" Mikey grabbed Dylan and set him on top of his shell, calling out, "Houston, astronauts Mikey and Dylan are ready for take-off! 3...2...1!!!"

He took off racing, making space ship noises and laughing along with the little boy on his shell.

I giggled as I watched the two run around, thinking to myself, Mikey is just as masterful with the pouty face as my little cousin.

Hey peeps! Long time no talk, my friends!

Mikey: yeah, WAY too long! I missed you all to much!! *hugs every single one of the readers*

Me: *rolls eyes* Mikey, you're suffocating my readers.

Mikey: am not! I'm just saying hey again....

Me: *sigh* Whatever. Just TRY not to kill them with your bear hugs...

Mikey: pssh, have you met me, dudette? I'm always... *trails off when you slump to the floor from lack of oxygen* ...careful...

Me: -_- *facepalm* Donnie, get in here, my reader's unconscious!

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