Safety- Raphael

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"Are you sure you're alright, Beautiful?" I blushed at Raph's nickname for me as he set me down on a cot in what looked to be a lab.

"You worry too much, Raphie Boy," I smirked, but I saw the sadness in my turtle's eyes. Raph said nothing, only rubbed his thumb over my hand in comfort.

"Raphie Boy?" I turned to see the turtle in an orange mask, with a girl standing behind him, as he grinned, "He really lets you call him that? Last time, I tried that on him, he threw me into a dumpster!"

Raph growled, his eyes narrowing at his brother. "Shut up, Mikey."

Mikey backed away a bit, and I sensed the tension between them grow. Before Raph let his temper get the best of him, I laid a hand on his arm, forcing him to look at me. I held his gaze for a moment, silently telling him to calm down. Raph relaxed, his shoulders lowering as the anger drained out of him. I smiled, and he pulled an arm around me, bringing me closer to him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mikey's eyes widen questioningly. I chuckled and leaned my head against Raph's plastron, letting my own e/c orbs close momentarily. I admitted to myself that I was probably the only one that was able to tame his anger that quickly. I smiled softly as I thought about the hotheaded turtle with his arms around me.

I felt Raph take hold of my chin gently, pulling me up slowly so that our eyes met. I melted into his touch, the small grin on my face turning into a full-on smile.

"You should know," he started, leaning forward so that our lips were only an inch apart, "I... Am never letting you out of my sight again."

I smirked, looking affectionately and a bit challengingly into his green eyes. "And you... know I'm never letting you carry through with that plan of yours."

Raph smirked, and I returned his look, before our lips met and I was once again content.

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