Halloween - Michelangelo

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"Guys, I look stupid," R/G grumbled, fingering the hem of her ragged dress and adjusting the bright red wig on her head.
"Trust me, you'll look amazing," D/G assured, swiping her paintbrush over her friend's cheeks and creating perfect artificial stitches, "The best Sally Raph has ever seen."
R/G blushed faintly, smiling when she glanced in the mirror at her reflection.
"Where'd you learn to do makeup so well, D/G?" M/G questioned, fluffing her red-and-blue-dyed hair and adjusting her fishnet tights over her temporary tattoos.
"She's an artist. I think it would come naturally to her," L/G put in, applying the slightest bit of mascara and batting her lashes to test out the effectiveness of the makeup.
"You still haven't told us what you're dressing as," M/G whined in complaint.
"You'll find out," L/G snatched up her bag to pull out a tube of lip gloss, "soon enough."
"And we have to meet the guys where?" D/G questioned, adding a powder blue foundation to R/G's skin.
"Murakami's. The Mutanimals and some other allies are getting together for a little Halloween party."
"Well ladies," M/G declared with a grin, "I think it's safe to say this will be the best All Hallows' Eve ever!"

"Napoleon! Long time no see, dude!"
"Oh, hey Michelangelo," the frog greeted, flashing a lazy grin and shoveling potstickers into his mouth.
"How's life as a new general?" He asked, bumping his amphibious friend's shoulder playfully and grabbing a couple pizza gyoza for himself.
"Awesome! But some of these frogs seriously need to get into shape if they wanna fight in my army. They think I'm somethin' to mess with. Idiots." Napoleon chuckled.
"I know right? People like us are never fully appreciated." Mikey sniffed indignantly, then grinned, "Totally diggin' your costume! Lemme guess. Napoleon Bonaparte?"
The frog general puffed his chest, the French medals on his chest glinting. "Right-o! And...what are you?"
"The Joker, duh!" Mikey pointed to the white face paint, obnoxious red lipstick, and display of tattoos decorating his plastron.
"...who's that?" Napoleon gave him a blank stare.
"Oh. Guess I forgot you don't have TV," Mikey smiled, messing with the gold chains on his neck, "Basically...whoa."
His sentence trailed off when he spotted Y/N and the other girls walking into the restaurant. His girlfriend looked stunning - carrying a wooden bat and sporting a blue and red leather jacket over her tight-fitting t-shirt. Sneaker-stilettos and scandalously short shorts completed her costume, along with her perfectly unruly makeup.
Mikey's jaw dropped as Y/N walked closer, grinning at the frog beside him.
"You must be Napoleon." She thrust out her hand. "Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya!"
Napoleon glanced down at her outstretched hand, then back up at Y/N's face. "Mikey... your girlfriend is SMOKIN'."
Y/N giggled, while Mikey's face turned bright red.
"Thanks honey," she said in her feigned Brooklyn accent, looking over at her boyfriend and shouldering her bat. "I think I'll grab us a drink. Be back in no time flat!"
She pointed finger guns at Napoleon, then leaned in to place a quick, passionate kiss on Mikey's lips.
"You look great, Puddin'," she murmured slyly, pulling back and walking toward the drinks table, hips swinging.
Michelangelo gawked for a moment more, before whooping loudly and declaring, "That gorgeous piece of woman is my girlfriend! MY girlfriend! Woo hoo!"

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