Massage - Michelangelo

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"But Y/N-n-n, I don't wanna train!"

"How are you gonna get to be a big and strong ninja if you don't practice?" I asked, stretching my arms over my head in preparation.

Mikey whined in protest. "Can't we eat pizza? Or play video games? Or something un-boring!"

"Don't be a baby. You're acting like a five-year-old."

"I'm not five, I'm twenty. Thank you very much," he sniffed in mock indignation, "And training for agility with you? It's unrealistic!"

"Unrealistic?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Yeah! Your reflexes are so fast! You've got speed powers! You're like the female Flash! A gender-bent Dash from the Incredibles! A—"

"Okay, I get it. Let's just do this, okay?"

Mikey huffed, giving in and settling into a ready stance. I did the same. He, as always, was the one to make the first move, leaping forward with a quick fist poised to strike. I dodged, my body blurring with the speed I evaded his attack with, and then, using my momentum, managed to shove him back. He grunted in oncoming frustration, turning and trying to grab me. I stepped away, racing around behind him and giving him a swift kick in the carapace, making him stumble.

"No fair!" he complained, abandoning all ninjutsu strategies and instead beginning to chase me around the dojo, growling playfully every time I'd slip from his grasp.

"C'mon, Michelangelo, move those legs!" I teased, making circles around him and creating a dizzying whir about him.

"I'm movin' 'em!" he panted, trying to follow me with his eyes, before a small mischievous smile crossed his features. He flopped down onto the floor, making me screech to a halt in surprise.

"Mikey?" I cried, kneeling next to him.

"Ow! Ow ow ow! Cramp! Leg cramp! Turtle down!" he wailed dramatically, cradling his calf and rocking back and forth in feigned pain.

Seeing right through his guise, I crossed my arms dubiously. "Gee, you're really hurtin', aren't ya?"

He tried to hide his triumphant grin. "Yeah. I'm completely wiped. Maybe I should just take the rest of the day on the couch – you know, so I don't make it worse!"

I smirked, grabbing his foot and stretching out his leg, analyzing the situation. "There's no swelling or discoloration."

"It's a cramp, Y/N," Mikey explained, his tone making it obvious he was sure he was fooling me, "You can't see when you get a terrible cramp. It just happens."

"Well then, maybe I can ease the pain." I began to knead the muscles of his calf, giggling at his gasp of surprise.

"Umm, no, I think I'll just go and rest," he countered nervously, unsure now of his plan.

"No, I insist," I pleaded in a voice sweet as honey, "I was the one who got you overworking yourself, after all."

I pretended to study him, bringing my arms up to his chest and prodding at the muscles in his shoulders. "In fact, you seem like you need a bit of TLC."

"TLC...," he reiterated in a haze of uncertainty and mesmerization, a tiny grin creeping onto his lips as I rubbed his shoulders, "Yeah..."

He dazedly chuckled as my hands roamed down to squeeze his biceps, and I smiled, leaning forward and giving him the sweetest of kisses...

Before reaching up, quick as lightning, and pinching the pressure point at the crook of his neck. Mikey yelped, falling back onto the floor, temporarily paralyzed. I burst out laughing, crawling over and tracing the edge of his plastron.

"Serves you right, trying to pull the wool over my eyes," I said, my eyes gleaming with whimsy.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mikey defended hopelessly, his own guilty smile giving away his scheme.

I stood up, putting my hands on my hips and nudging his foot with my toe. "C'mon, get up. Let's get to training."

He eventually made it back to his feet, stepping forward and caressing my cheek. "What, no TLC for your favorite turtle, my lady?"

I snorted, giving him another quick peck and saying, "TLC? Nope. I'm going twice as hard on you now, mister."

Mikey huffed, but the smile on his face let me know he wasn't completely disappointed.

Alright my lovelies, help me out! How should I do these next few chapters?

1) Moving out

2) Retromutation (pertaining to R/G and D/G's parents!)

3) Musicals (you and your turtle listen to Broadway musical songs because WHO DOESNT LOVE BROADWAY #MAMMAMIA #RENT #HAMILTON #GREASE YAAASSSSS)

4) Smooth-talking in Japanese

5) Your nightmare

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