Who's The Hero Here? - Raphael

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"Ha!" I shouted as I reached the topmost part of the climbing structure, "I've done it! I. Am. Spider-Man!"

"Get down from there!" Raph shouted irritably below me, tapping his foot in impatience.

"Hmm...nope," I smirked, sticking my tongue out at Raph, "You'll have to come up here and get me, Raphie."

"And who's gonna be here to catch you when you finally fall?" He said.

"I'm not gonna fall! I'm Spider-Man, and Spider-Man never-"

"Weren't you the one freaking out about the responsibilities of him a few weeks ago?"


"Ugh," Raph crossed his arms, muttering at a volume he thought I couldn't hear, "Spider-Man this, Spider-Man that...Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man!"

"You know," I shouted, crossing my arms, "If you have a problem with amazing superheroes, then you should -"

I hadn't realized how close I'd gotten to the edge, and shrieked as my foot stepped on air and I began to plummet.

"Raph!" I cried, squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for ground impact. Instead, I felt myself land into my strong boyfriend's arms, and I opened one eye to glance at Raphael sheepishly.

"So," He started, green eyes shining with triumph and a sarcastic smirk pasted on his lips, "You were saying something about how you WEREN'T going to fall?"

I huffed, looking away in embarrassment as I mumbled, "Okay, okay, I get it."

"Are you Spider-Man?"


"Are you allowed to give me heart attacks by jumping off of things thinking you are Spider-Man?"

"Hey, I didn't fall on-"


I sighed. "No."

Raph smiled a little, setting me down and kissing the top of my head, "Good. Now c'mon, let's get some pizza before Mikey eats it all."

I nodded, taking his hand and walking with him to the kitchen, but not before murmuring as I kissed him quickly, "Just for the record, you're WAY more amazing than Spider-Man."

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