Jealousy - Leonardo

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"Can we...take a"

"Weren't you the one begging me to take you out on a patrol?" Leo replied, a smug grin prodding his lips as he slowed his pace for me to catch up.

"That was before I realized that training with you would be the death of me."

Leo rolled his eyes. I stopped in my tracks, panting and trying to ignore the enormous cramp in my side.

"C'mon, just one more lap around Chinatown?"

"Do you want me to keel over from exhaustion?" I asked with a laugh between my wheezes. He only smiled affectionately. I finally straightened up from my bent over position.

"I just know you can do it, that's all," He explained, draping an arm around my shoulders, "So what do you say? One more lap, then we head home?"

I sighed and have in, smiling up at him. "Yeah, I guess that'll be alri--"

"Look out!"

Before I could process what had happened, Leo tackled me, holding my body protectively against his plastron as he rolled out of the way of the volley of throwing stars that flew over our heads, vanishing into the darkness.

"Ow," I complained quietly, reaching back to gingerly rub my now-bruised shoulder, where most of my ground impact had been received.

"Are you okay, Love?" Leo asked worriedly, his face mere inches from mine, having not released me from his shielding hold just yet.

"Love? Oh, how touching."

Both mine and Leonardo's eyes flicked to the rooftop directly opposite us. A slim, black clad figure rose to her full height, silver armor plating glinting in the moonlight. The kunoichi narrowed her golden brown eyes, her jet black bangs whipping about her face. She closed the space between us quickly with a perfectly executed front flip over the small gap separating her from Leo and I.

"Karai," My boyfriend spat, and I was surprised at the loathing that filled his tone.

"Hello, Leonardo," She greeted, though her words held no friendliness, venom replacing the warmth that should've been present, "It's been so long since I've seen you. Too long. Decided to take a break from the fame and fortune, huh?"

Leo stood, helping me to my feet before unsheathing one of his katanas.

"Yeah, I figured it had been a while since I put you in your place, so I'm here to do just that."

Despite the pressing circumstances, I couldn't help thinking how attractive he was when he was acting heroic and noble.

"Put me in my place?" Karai sounded slightly offended. Suddenly, she had slipped into the shadows without a trace, only to reappear behind me, her razor sharp blade poised at my throat as she continued, "Now that's not very nice, Leo."

Leo's response was instantaneous. Within moments, his katana was hovering an inch above the space between Karai's eyes, his deep blue eyes swirling with anger.

"Let her go."

She didn't even flinch.

"Why would I do that?" She questioned, a sinister smirk pasted onto her blood red lips, "You know how I love to make things interesting."

Her unwavering stare seemed to make Leo hesitate, and out of my peripheral vision, I saw her striking beauty. A pang of jealousy raced through my heart, watching her imploring almond eyes staring at my boyfriend, hazel irises accented with stark red and black makeup.

"Don't make me have to hurt you, Karai," My boyfriend finally spoke, "Step away from Y/N."

"Y/N? Oh, so that's your name?" She pressed her sword harder against my flesh, "You're the brat who managed to steal his stupid heart."

Another second later, Leo was behind Karai, his blade digging softly into the space between her shoulder blades. I was reminded for a moment of the braiding trains I used to sit in to do my friend's hair. Only this time there were swords, not hair ties.

"Drop your weapon, and I'll let you walk away alive," Leo threatened.

"Please," She snorted, "Like you would lay a hand on your own sister."

"You might be Splinter's daughter, but you're no sister of mine."

I couldn't help crying out in relief, "Wait, you two are related?"

Both Leo and Karai looked at me inquisitively, though their eyes told me I was correct.

"Oh, thank goodness!" I continued, " 'Cause for a second there, I actually thought he might..."

"That the fearless leader might have a thing for me?" Karai finished for me with a sneer, "He does. Or, he did. I'm not sure really. After all, what could he possibly find attractive about you?"

Leo let out a small growl of warning, but she wasn't done.

"He's pathetic, right? Falling for his own sister. Can you imagine? And then going out with you to get over me, it's really quite pitiful."

All logical thought went out the window. With a strength I never knew I possessed, I grabbed Karai's wrist, twisting her arm and making the sword in her hand clatter to the ground. I elbowed her in the ribcage, then wheeled around to head butt her right in her perfectly made up face, making my head spin a little while she gave a pained cry. Leo pulled back his sword just in time as Karai stumbled to the ground, her hands flying up to try and qualm the gush of blood from her nose.

"You call him pathetic ever again," I snarled, standing over her, "You come near him and I again. And I'll make sure you're skewered on your own sword like a kunoichi shish-kabob."

Karai shot me a poisonous glare, one hand still pinched over her nose as she rose to her feet and shoved me to the ground. Leo pushed her back, standing between her and I defensively.

"This isn't over, brat," Karai warned, turning on her heel and trying to salvage her wounded pride as she disappeared into the night.

I took a shaky breath, standing once more. Leo stared at me incredulously, jaw slack in disbelief.

"So," I started, brushing my hair behind my ear, "How about that last lap around Chinatown?"

Hello, dear friends!

Leo: Annabeth, hey! Where've you been?

Me: *shrugs* meh, out doing summer stuff. I'm going out to meet my mom. She just got back from her trip to India, so I'm gonna pick her up.

Leo: O.o your mom went to INDIA?!

Me: ...uh yeah, that's what I just said.

Leo: ...dang. Since when did your mom travel?

Me: since two weeks ago, I guess. 😂 alright, my lovelies, Donnie's chapter will be up soon! BOOYAKASHA!!

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