Calls- Michelangelo

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"No... no, no, NO!" you cried as your avatar lost its last life. The screen flashed the huge red letters you absolutely despised- GAME OVER.

You fell to your knees, looking up at the ceiling melodramatically.

"Oh, mystic gods of video gaming," you pleaded to the heavens, "Why do you resent me?"

You glanced at your phone, lying on your nightstand.

Maybe Mikey would know how to get past this stupid level, you thought as you jumped onto your bed, grabbing your phone and pulling up his number in your contacts.

"Yo!" Mikey answered.

"Hey, Mikey!" you exclaimed, "Whatcha up to?"

"Nothin' much," he replied, "How 'bout you, Y/N?"

"Trying desperately to get past level 14," you grumbled.

"On which game?"

"Super Mario Kart." (I'm not really good with video games, so just substitute in your favorite video game.)

"Oh that one? It's really easy if you know the pattern: up, over, down, jump 3-"

"Ooookaaay," you interrupted, "Maybe it would be better if I could see you playing this."

"I'll show you, if you want!" He said excitedly, "But only if there's pizza."

You glanced at the 2 pizza boxes on your desk. You had planned on eating the whole thing on your own, but you figured you could sacrifice one box if it meant you getting past this stupid level.

"Yeah, I got some pizza," you replied.

"Aww, yeah boyyy!" You had to hold the phone away from your ear, Mikey's squeals were so loud.

"Alright, alright!" You tried to calm him down, while trying to stifle a laugh of your own. You gave him your address.

"Sweet!" Miley said, "I was dying of boredom! Thank you for saving me from that terrible fate, lady!"

"Anytime Mikey! Now hurry up and help me!"


Hi, everyone! So, next chapters will be about hanging out with your turtle, as FRIENDS! Don't worry, you'll get together eventually.

Mikey: What exactly do you mean by 'get together'?

Me: You don't need to worry about it... oh, I think I smell pizza in the kitchen!!!

Mikey: *runs out screaming* PIZZA! PIZZA!

Me: Guys, I need your help. I have a few ideas for what to do after the next set of chapters, so comment on what order I should do these in:

1) When You're Upset 2) When He Catches You Dancing 3) His Thoughts About You 4)When You Teach Him Something

Keep in mind, these scenarios are before you get together... Thanks, my lovelies!

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