Sweet Slumber - Michelangelo

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"C'mon Y/N, let's go to sleep..," Mikey whined while he tugged on my arm, trying to unglue my eyes from the screen.

"Just one more episode," I waved him away dismissively, "I wanna see how Krognard defeats the hordes of enemy warriors."

Mikey sighed, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and forcing me to glance at him. He put on his best puppy dog face, kissing my cheek softly and pleading, "But the TV will still be here in the morning..."

"I thought you said you were the night owl of the family," I teased with a grin.

"Yeah, but you're making me look like...a morning owl."

I wrinkled my nose in confusion, and he pursed his lips in frustration.

"I just mean you make me look like an amateur when it comes to staying up late," He explained.

"Well, just call me Ms. All-Nighter, I suppose," I grinned, leaning forward to peck his lips briefly.

I turned back to the television, only to break my tireless streak with a long yawn. Mikey jumped on the opportunity to convince me to go to sleep.

"See? You're tired too! Cmon, my lady, look at it this way - if we sleep now, we'll have all day tomorrow to spend...I dunno, skateboarding, pranking, whatever we want! But we can't do that if we pull an all-nighter! The window of opportunity is closing, my dear! ...it's shrinking...getting smaller..."

"Mikey!" I giggled, "It was just a...," I was cut off by another yawn.

He grinned triumphantly, as if he'd finally made his point. "You're in denial, Y/N. So I guess now, I have to be the knight in shining armor that convinces you to sleep."

With that, Mikey pulled me close and picked me up, carrying me out of the living room.

"Hang on!" I protested, reaching wistfully back toward the TV, "Krognard's about to-"

My words stopped on the tip of my tongue as Mikey swiftly pulled out a shuriken and threw it over his shoulder, hitting the off button and making the screen go black.

I huffed, turning to look at him as we walked into the bedroom, "Well aren't you cool."

"Thanks!" He said with a smile, not catching onto the sarcasm as he flopped on the bed with me.

I laughed, cuddling close to him and mumbling, "I love you," Before shutting my eyes and falling asleep immediately.

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