Dancing/ Realizing He Likes You- Donatello

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I'm never gonna make it easy on you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.

You squealed with delight as you read the last paragraph of the last book of the first series. You always did love this part. Percy was trying to tell Annabeth (hehe) that he loved her, and she was joking around with him, because she loved him too.
You grinned to yourself, closing the book and turning to the blank page on your desk. Your lips tightened as you thought about what to write, before you laid your head on your desk with a frustrated groan. The radio was playing. Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon.
You couldn't stand it anymore. You flipped open a library book quickly, The Art of Dancing. That was where you'd learned the moves to teach Donnie to dance...
You blushed for some unknown reason, eyeing the content before settling your gaze on a routine. You began to act out the moves with precision.

Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, she said Shut up and dance with me!

You leapt into the air, bringing your arms up over your head and lifting a leg high behind you. You did an arabesque, a huge smile on your face and your eyes closed, so that you didn't see your turtle friend in the window.

(Donnie's P.O.V.)
Donnie climbed up to Y/N's window, about to knock, until he saw her dancing.
Wow, he thought he watched his friend twirl around the room, her h/c hair flowing freely around her face.
Donnie's T-Phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen to see a text from April. He ignored it, putting it back in his belt to watch Y/N, until he suddenly realized what he did.
I ignored April's text! I... I ignored April's text...to watch Y/N... Donnie tried to sort through his muddled thoughts. He'd always liked April. He'd been so focused on her though, that Donnie hadn't even realized what was right in front of him.
Donnie's eyes never left Y/N, as she danced around the room. Her own e/c orbs glittered like jewels, as she smiled. Her hair was whirling around her face as she turned, flinging her arms up and legs out.
Donnie was completely mesmerized. He didn't think it was possible. He always had feelings for April, but now... now those feelings had changed, shifted, to someone else. Someone just as close to the turtle, but who meant twice as much to him. Someone he loved making her laugh, and seeing her smile at him.
And that someone was Y/N.

Oh dear, the feels! I can't take it anymore! *falls to knees dramatically *
Donnie: *rushes in* Annabeth! Are you hurt?!
Me: no, I'm fine.
April: *walks in* Annabeth! What happened?
Me: nothing. I'm just being my melodramatic self.
April: ...oh, okay. *stands awkwardly next to Donnie*
Me: Seriously? You two drive me crazy. I can't handle this. I gotta get out of here. *walks out*
Donnie: what was that about?
April: no idea. Bye, Annabeth's lovelies!
Donnie: *waves shyly* so long!

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