First Kiss- Michelangelo

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"Mmm hmm," you mumbled under your breath as you grooved to the music, "Mmm hmm, aww yeah, sweet beats!"

Mikey smiled at you as you jammed out to your headphones, before looking down at the keyboard and typing a few words, then clicking some buttons. You paused, listening to the soundtrack again, before taking off the headphones and handing them to Mikey.

"Alright, I think I finally got it," you said,bring your feet around into a cross-legged position. Mikey put on the headphones and hit play, then started bobbing his head.

"This is awesome!" he almost shouted, "How are you so good at this?"

"Oh, it's just a few bass lines and notes," you shifted slightly on the blanket you two were sitting on, "Why couldn't we have gone down to my room instead of sitting out here?"

"Hey, I thought you loved watching the stars," Mikey replied as he pressed pause.

"True," you admitted, "But I wish it weren't so cold. I mean, how can it be the start of summer, and still get cold at night?"

Mikey nodded in agreement as he removed the headphones, gazing up at the night sky. "It is a little chilly..." he turned to you, "Are you cold?"

Before you could answer, Mikey put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him and enveloping you in his arms. You grinned and made yourself comfortable, putting your hand on top of his. You looked up into his blue eyes as he stared down at your e/c ones.

Gosh, he's adorable, you thought absentmindedly, as Mikey lowered his head and quickly pecked you on the lips... wait, WHAT?! Your eyes widened as your lips momentarily met Mikey's, before he pulled away, his face dusted with pink.

"Sorry," he muttered, "I--"

He never got to finish. You brought a hand up to his face, pulling him back down for another, longer kiss. Your eyes closed as Mikey put his hand under your chin and pulled you closer. This wasn't your first kiss, but you wished it had been. Last time you'd kissed someone, it had been a boy in 6th grade after an especially intense ice cream party. And it was not pretty. Your thoughts were brought back to the present as the two of you continued kissing.

You didn't exactly know what you were expecting-- maybe a clumsy or shy kiss. But man, were you wrong. Mikey was most likely the definition of an astonishing kisser... gentle but passionate, soft and sweet.

When you pulled away from each other, it was only to make up for the lack of oxygen you both had. You were blushing madly, and looked up at Mikey shyly.

"No need to be sorry," you finally replied, and Mikey laughed.

"Good, 'cause I'm not apologizing for sharing that kiss with you!"

You giggled, "That is possibly one of the corniest and cutest things I've ever heard."

"Why, thank you, m'lady," Mikey grinned holding you close.

"Anytime, my turtle," you smiled, as you snuggled closer.

Adorableness! ADORABLENESS!!!!

Mikey: hey, when you're writing something with me in it, it's bound to have some adorableness.

Me: You weirdo. *punches Mikey playfully* Alright, my lovelies! Brainstorming time! Gimme everything you got!

Mikey: Give Annabeth 2 ideas, and get 3 stories FREE!

Me: Alright, Mikey, this isn't some sort of infomercial! I'm not making any promises!

Mikey: Do you want ideas, or do you want ideas?

Me: *rolls eyes* Just... gimme some ideas, alright? Bye!

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