When You're Upset-Michelangelo

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You parked your motor scooter in the alley by your apartment building, as usual, but there was no spring in your step as you dismounted. Your e/c orbs, on any other day filled with delight, were cast down sadly. You sighed as you let your mind wander back to the day's events.
A loser like you? Please. How could an obnoxious prankster get to being a good dancer? Leonna's words bounced around in your head (sorry if your name's Leonna). Your bully's words got you to thinking... were you even that good at dancing? Could you ever make it to Juliard? You felt something wet on your face... a tear.
You were bewildered. How could this be happening? You never cried. And yet, here you were, sitting in an alleyway shedding tears. You sank to your knees, holding your arms tightly around yourself as you let the angst wash over you.
You lifted your head slightly as you glimpsed the manhole next to you shift. Mikey popped is orange-clad head out of the sewer, looking out and jumping as he caught sight of you.
"Y/N!" he exclaimed, climbing out with a huge grin on your face. He frowned when he saw you frantically wiping your teas away. "Were you... crying?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, picking yourself up and rubbing your arms nervously, the way you always did.
"I don't think so," Mikey said, laying a hand on your shoulder. You sighed, trying to keep your feelings at bay, but Mikey's unwavering and worried gaze finally got to you.
"There's a girl at school," you tentatively began, "Leonna. She thinks she's better than everyone just because she's rich and can do whatever she wants... including bullying me."
Mikey's eyes widened, and you continued quickly, "She came up to me and started making fun of me, as usual, but she started talking about how I'll never be good enough, how I'll never be a dancer-"
"Don't believer her, Y/N," Mikey insisted, pulling you into a huge hug, "You're one of the best dancers I've ever seen. If anyone can make it, you will."
He pulled away to give you a heart-warming smile, "You'll wear the coolest costumes, and dance on Broadway, and then go to Italy and Japan and... EVERYWHERE! You'll be unstoppable!"
Mikey threw his arms open wide, a huge smile on his face. You giggled, then blushed. You were so lucky to have a friend like him. You sighed, and Mikey smiled..
"Thanks, dude," you thanked him, elbowing him playfully.
"Anytime, lady," he replied.

Everyone I want you to know that if you are bullied, please don't let those people define who you are or tell you how to live life. They are never worth your time, and those hurtful comments are just barriers they put up to protect themselves. I speak from experience.
Raph: wait, what?! What do you mean, you speak from experience?!
Me: well, a girl Leonna actually bullied me.
Leo: *cracks knuckles* where is she?
Me: well, er...
Donnie: *straps Bo staff to shell* if she goes to Annabeth's school, we can find her.
Mikey: let's go.
Me: wait!
Turtles: *leave*
*1 hour later *
Turtles: *walk in*
April and Me: where have you guys been?
Raph: out kicking butt.
Me: you guys didn't have to do that.
Leo: Annabeth, you're our friend, and friends stick up for eachother.
Me: *hugs all of them* surround yourself with friends like these, my faithful readers. Friends like these will help you through anything, even if they aren't ninjas.
April and turtles: Awww, thanks Annabeth!
Me: farewell my lovelies!
Everyone: *waves* Bye!

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