Project Chameleon - All

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Once Upon A Time fans will understand this. You know, cause they have to go into hiding and blend into the shadows again, and chameleons...well, I think you get it.

"So let me get this straight," The police chief leaned forward in his chair, badge glinting in the light of the desk lamp as he stared across his work table at the Turtles and Hamato Yoshi, "You want the NYPD to help you five... disappear?"

"Correct-o-mundo!" Mikey grinned, earning a small whack on the back of his head from Raph.

"I don't get it," The chief's mustache twitched as his lip curled in confusion, "You guys have a life, heck, a legacy now. And you wanna give that up - for what?"

"Two of the three traits of the ninja are stealth and honor," Sensei explained, lacing his fingers together and resting his hands on his crystalline cane, "And with the new fame we have been granted, our honor has been compromised. The evils of this city have been multiplying, without our surveillance - an evil which we have trained our entire lives to keep at bay. And with the lack of stealth our solitude provided us, we cannot regain our honor until we are away from the prying eyes of society."

"And by 'the evils of the city', I'm assuming you mean the Purple Dragons?" The policeman asked.

"Yes, as well as some other... unfriendly organizations," Splinter added.

The head of the NYPD hummed in thought, before finally agreeing, "I'll work with the press to set up a false story about your disappearance. But if we want it to be believable, we'll need to set up a few witnesses for the public to really believe you're gone."

"We've got L/G, R/G, D/G, and M/G," Raph piped up, "We figured if people hear from someone who's close to us, they'll believe the sob story we make up about us being gone forever."

"Good, good," The captain paused for a moment, "What I can't do is prevent the paparazzi from snooping around for some dirt on you."

"We've got a plan, dude!" Mikey quipped.

"I've begun the construction of some barriers around the lair," Donatello informed him, "And I'm working on a set of secret entrances we can use, that won't be noticeable to anyone looking around. We'll have the premises secured."

The captain nodded, rising from his seat, "You're sure about this? I mean, this is a big choice, going back to living in the sewers..."

Leonardo spoke up, "While living among normal citizens is great and all, sir... normalcy is overrated. And we've decided that the protection of New York City's citizens is more important than our having 'normal lives'. And who knows? We might be back someday..."

The leader glanced over at his father, who nodded in affirmation, a small grin lingering on his face.

"Well then," The police chief extended his hand for each of the Turtles to shake, "On behalf of the city, thank you for everything you've done, and everything you will do for this city."


"Well, that went well," Raph commented as the family of mutants traversed the rooftops back home.

"It did," Donnie agreed, "Though the question still remains--"

"What would happen if a black-hole swallowed the earth?" Mikey interrupted with a whimsical smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mikey," Leo scolded, as he gave his younger brother a playful shove.

"What I was going to say," Donnie continued, "Is... How are we gonna get the girls to forgive us?"

Silence fell over the group, as a more ominous mood settled onto their shoulders.

"Well," Raph started, "I'm not sure how, but I'll figure out a way. Can't lose her - it's not an option."

"Yeah, same here," Leo agreed as they climbed down a fire escape, "I'm really in the doghouse with L/G, right now."

"You?" Donnie asked as they reached the manhole, "What about me? I was a total jerk to  her."

"Hey bros," Mikey comforted, "Things'll get better. But as far as dealing with the crazy war against female's every turtle for himself."

The spunky turtle shrugged, before leaping down into the sewers, his brothers quickly following.

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