Old Phantoms - Donatello

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"What?! What happened?!" Donnie tore his goggles away from his face to look at me across the counter, brown eyes swimming with sudden panic.

"My supply of watercolors ran out!" I fretted, gesturing to my empty box, "And my acrylics are all gone too!"

Donnie relaxed slightly, throwing a small smile my way as he got up and walked over to me, pulling me out of my chair. "I can take you over to an art store to pick up some new paints, if you'd like."

I lit up excitedly, "I would love that!"

D chuckled and took my hand. "Shall we, then?"

-Le Time Skip-

I grinned over at Donnie as we walked over the rooftops back to the lair, clutching my new art supplies in one arm while I held D's hand with the other. I leaned my head on Donatello's shoulder, sighing contentedly as I gazed out over the city skyline.

"Thanks again, for taking me out here."

"No problem, sweetheart," Donnie smiled, giving me a small peck on the cheek. I smiled, but the grin quickly ran away from my face when I saw something behind my boyfriend move.

"Donnie, look out!" I shouted as an enormous mutated falcon leapt out of the shadows, claws reaching out for my boyfriend. I shoved Donatello out of the way, and before I knew it, I was pinned beneath the mutant that used to be my father.  My paints clattered along the concrete as I smacked the ground, making my head spin dizzily.

The falcon cawed loudly, making me cringe as his beak clicked open and shut, peering at me with black, beady eyes.

"D-Dad," I whispered, my fear making me flicker in and out of sight, "Listen to me, p-please. R-Remember? I-I'm your d-daughter, Y/N..."

For a moment, a hint of recognition seemed to reveal itself in my father's eyes. Then the mutant screeched it's menacing beak inches from my face. I braced myself, tears streaming, until I heard a loud cry. I glanced up to see Donnie as his bo staff struck my dad. The falcon cawed angrily, but received more blows from my boyfriend. Finally my father spread his wings and shot off into the night sky. I got to my feet, my tears not stopping as I watched him fly off.

"Dad," I whimpered, "...don't go."

I turned to Donnie, his face wrought with shame as he sheathed his bo staff and gathered me into his embrace.

"I'm sorry," He said, "He was gonna hurt you. I couldn't stand by and watch it happen."

I just nodded, crying silently as Donatello held me close.

"I miss him," I sniffled, "I could've done something. Maybe what I said was wrong, maybe I didn't try hard enough to convince him that he was my dad-"

"Y/N," D hooked a finger under my chin, tilting my face back up to him, "You didn't do anything wrong...the mutagen just warped his thoughts. We'll figure out a way to cure him."

I looked away sorrowfully, and Donnie stooped his head down to my eye level again. "Hey. I love you."

I smiled through my waterfall of tears, "And I love you."

He hugged me close once more, murmuring, "We can get through this, I just know it."

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