Massage - Donatello

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I yawned, my calligraphy pen nearly bleeding across my entire sketch with my drowsiness. I carefully capped my inkwell, cleaning off the pen and admiring my work. The lines and designs alone made my heart soar, and then, looking over at my boyfriend pouring over his latest batch of experimental chemicals, I felt as if it was doing somersaults and backflips inside my chest.

Donnie's eyes were bleary as he measured the correct amount of hydrogen peroxide needed, though they still sparkled with that same scientific curiosity I'd fallen in love with. I could tell he was still irked by the fact that we still hadn't found an apartment big enough and affordable enough to move his entire laboratory into. His distractedness showed through when he added the wrong catalyst, and a billow of steam spewed up into his face. I started when he tumbled backwards out of his chair, away from the mild combustion.

Donnie sighed as he sat up, throwing me a sheepish smile and grabbing the rag off the table to wipe the chemical residue from his face. I grinned, walking over and plopping down on the floor beside him.

"We should probably call it a night," I remarked, brushing my hand against his cheek.

"You go ahead," he said, glancing back at his work, "I've still got a ways to go until that fuel is sufficient for the pulley system."

I pouted. "I wish you wouldn't stay up all the time."

"Y/N, you know I can't sleep with all the work that still needs to be done."

My eyes narrowed, and I swiftly changed my tactics. "Look, Donnie, your flying-turtle contraption can wait 'til morning. You need sleep. It's not good for you to stay up all night."

"It's not a flying-turtle contraption! It's a complex series of pulleys and levers that allow us to travel at any vertical angle we want! And if I don't figure out the most efficient fuel needed for them, they won't be ready in time to—"

"And this is why you need sleep," I interrupted, " Your ranting again. When will I get it through your amazingly brilliant head that no sleep means no progress?"

"Never, most likely."

I rolled my eyes playfully, scooting farther over and wrapping my arms around his shoulders from behind him, murmuring in his ear, "Please? I don't wanna fall asleep all by myself."

Donnie hesitated, nervously shaking his head. "I'm thinking too much. I'd spend all night lying there thinking about my work."

My hands crept up to just behind his neck. "You need to relax, right? And then maybe you could come fall asleep with me?"

He nodded, peering over his shoulder at me. I smirked, my fingers finding the rigidity in the muscles of his neck from hours over craning over his experiment, pressing and rubbing the points of pressure. Donnie stiffened, tilting his head and letting me get to his taut trapezius, letting out a small chur in happiness. I laughed softly, reaching over to kiss his jawline as I worked my way down, past his deltoid to his triceps, releasing the pent-up astriction in his arms as I massaged them.

"Feeling relaxed now?" I asked quietly.

"Not sure," he replied truthfully, "On one hand, the tension in and around my shoulders has been completely relieved, thanks to you. On the other hand..." He grabbed my wrist and lightly tugged me forward, so that I landed across his lap. "Your hands all over me are having quite the opposite effect than what you intended."

I warmed, laughing and swatting at his plastron.

"I think I'm ready for bed now." Donnie raised a brow suggestively, making me giggle even more at his unusual coquetry.

"How very naughty of you," I said, smiling and kissing his nose, "What would your father think of this sudden dalliance?"

"My father isn't here," he chuckled, giving me a teasing peck on my cheek.

I stood up, pulling on his hand and coaxing him to get to his feet. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Romeo."

He grinned, the gap between his teeth showing as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Perhaps another time, then."

"If you're lucky." I smiled. "C'mon, let's hit the sack."

Donnie nodded in agreement, nuzzling my hair as we exited the lab.

"What would I do without you?" He asked, lips grazing my jaw and making me turn translucent in shyness.

"You'd be in that lab for all eternity."

"True." He laughed again, giving me a small squeeze and making me visible once more.

Me: well, my lovelies, I have an important announcement.

Leo: you've figured out how to teleport to our dimension?

Me: no.

Raph: you've finally realized how annoying you truly are.

Me: what? I already knew that.

Mikey: Hmm... oh! You're pregnant?

Leo, Raph, Donnie: WHAT?!

Me: NO! Are you kidding me?!

Donnie: *steps forward and rolls his eyes* dummies, she's 16 now! Remember, we celebrated her birthday like, exactly a week ago?

Me: ding ding ding! Correct answer, Donatello! And let's see what you've won -- oh my gosh, it's a brand new car!

Donnie: *^* really??

Me: no.

Donnie: -_-

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