Shell Scratches - Leonardo

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Requested by @Liznightangel , let's do this!!

Leo's eyes were closed, hands relaxed by his sides and a hint of a peaceful smile on his face as he meditated. Totally at ease.

I walked in the dojo with a small smile, quietly sitting in front of him and observing his serenity. Leo opened his eyes slowly, grinning softly at me.

"Hey there," He said, his voice quiet.

"Hi, Fearless," I beamed and leaned forward to give him a kiss, "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," His smile brightened.

I smirked faintly, crawling into his lap and watching as Leonardo's face began to turn red.

"Er," He mumbled, his blue eyes never leaving my E/c ones, "I don't think I know this meditation stance..."

"That's because it's not meditation," I quipped, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I just wanna be near you."

Leo rolled his eyes, still smiling as he commented, "Y/N, I wanna be with you too, but -"

He froze when my nails scraped along the part of his shell near his shoulder blades, glancing at me with a sort of happy surprise.

I raised a brow with a smile, "Do you like that?" I scratched a bit harder, running my fingers over the grooves in his shell.

"Mmm..," Leo murmured, a dazed smile on his face as he leaned into my touch, head craned to the side for better access.

I giggled, both my hands scratching his shell now. Leonardo churred softly as I neared the center of his back, leaning towards me, silently pleading not to stop.

I smiled, kissing his nose as my fingers finally reached the very center of his shell. Leonardo let out a small squeak of glee, slumping onto his back, eyes closed and a dopey grin on his face.

I laughed softly, standing with a smile as I gazed down at my boyfriend.

"Love you, Captain," I said cheekily, before skipping out of the dojo.

Will update the other chapters as soon as possible!😋

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