Scary Movie- Donatello

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You began to scale the fire escape from your room, thoughts bringing you into your own little world. You still couldn't get over the fact that Donnie had asked you out, and your mind still whirled every time you thought about that night a week ago, like you'd been hit with another round of tranquilizer mist. You didn't even realize you were already on the roof until you saw a tall figure in front of you.

Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, and a smile crept onto your face as you recognized him. "Donnie!" you exclaimed.

Donnie whipped his head around, and saw you, and the grin on his face matched yours.

"Hi, Y/N," he replied, walking up to you.

"What're you doing up here?"

Donnie pointed down to Central Park, which was just across the street, at the movie screen set up.

"They're having movie night in the park," he explained, "And... well... I heard they were playing an old horror film-"

"Really?" you questioned excitedly, "I love old thrillers! They're the best!"

"Me too!" Donnie fidgeted a bit, "Would you.. like to watch it with me?"

"Sure!" you sat on the edge of the roof, sneakers hanging over the edge, and Donnie sat beside you.

(halfway through the movie)

"Uh oh," you said under your breath, "This is my favorite part."

"Then why are you worried?" Donnie questioned.

"Because, I always get scared right-" your sentence was cut off by a gasp as the scene unfolded. You flinched as the sound of people screaming drifted up to the rooftop. You shifted a bit closer to Donnie, and as the killer unsheathed his weapon, turned and laid your head on Donnie's shoulder, eyes squeezed shut to stop any stray tears.

Donnie looked down at you, cowering next to him, and smiled faintly. He pulled an arm around to you, hugging you and calming your fears.

"It's alright," he said, and couldn't help adding, "I've got you."

I love this! Enough said. I feel like I'm having a heart attack.

Donnie: *hears me from other room and rushes in* what?! Who said they were having a heart attack?

Me: It's called a figure of speech, D.

Donnie: Oh. *rubs back of his neck sheepishly* Right, I knew that.

Me: hehehe. Bye, my lovelies! Raph's up next!

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