Night On The Town - Michelangelo

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"This way!" Mikey called as he pushed through the hordes of people waiting outside the club.

"Hang on!" I laughed as I elbowed through the crowd, "Don't we have to wait in line?"

"All part of the surprise!" He replied with a grin as the two of us managed to walk into the club. The thumping bass and techno lights made my heart leap, as I grabbed both Mikey's hands and turned him to face me.

"Can we dance?" I asked pleadingly, the temptation of the music almost too hard to resist.

He nodded, though he started to pull me away from the dance floor. "A little later. I got somethin to show you..."

I made a pouty face, though Mikey hardly seemed to notice, as he pulled me to the stage, where the DJ was bobbing his head as he edited the tracks playing.

My boyfriend dropped my hands to wave his arms furiously at the DJ, shouting a little to get his attention. When the dude on stage finally noticed Mikey, he flashed him a peace sign, and right before the bass dropped, Mikey jabbed his thumb over in my direction and shouted, "The announcement!"

I blushed, as the DJ gave him a knowing wink and cut off the music. The entire crowd 'awww'ed, and the guy cried out, "Alright folks, I wanna give a shoutout to my new homie, Michelangelo Hamato!"

Everyone whooped, and I giggled softly as I turned to Mikey. "Is this your surprise?"

"Not quite," He assured.

"And," The dude continued, "My bro Mikey here, will be taking over as main DJ of this club!"

My jaw dropped as the crowd cheered even louder, turning to Mikey with a disbelieving look. Mikey puffed his chest proudly, pulling me close as the DJ continued, "So, our new DJ would like to give a shoutout to 'his awesome-sauce girlfriend, Y/N, who he loves more than life itself'!"

The crowd went wild as the next song came on, and I blushed bright red, turning to my boyfriend. "You work here now?"


"Awesome sauce!"

"I think so too!" He laughed as he pulled me out to the dance floor.

"But why? You don't need to work, do you?"

"Well, it's only until I can raise enough for your funds."

"My funds?"

"Yeah, for Juliard," Mikey explained when he saw my shocked expression, "You kept saying it was your dream to go there. So I'm gonna help you with your dream."

My eyes filled with happy tears as I kissed him. "You're the best boyfriend ever."

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