When You're Upset-Donatello

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"Ugh!" You grunted furiously as your dad stood in your door way.
"I can't believe, after all we did for you, you'd want to go off and be an artist!"
"What do you mean, dad?!" You demanded, slamming your art book shut, "You say that like it's a bad thing."
"Y/N, you have to understand, that being an artist will never work! You have to choose a stable career, not going off and being a hippie!"
"Dad!" You cried, standing up, "For the last time, I am NOT going to be a lawyer!"
"Law is a good, honest job," your father argued, continuing the never ending debate, "Besides, its better than the alternative... being poor on the streets and trying to sell a few pictures."
You huffed over to your window, opening it and beginning to climb out. "Thanks, Dad," you replied, "Thanks for believing in me. Not."
"Don't you walk out of here, young--" you dad's sentence was cut short by you closing the window. You hurried down the fire escape and over to the library, the only place you could really think clearly. As you walked, a figure caught your eyes in the alleyway beside the book store.
"Y/N?" You heard Donnie spoke, and relief washed over you. You hurried into the alley to find Donnie with a pile of books in his hands.
"Hi, D," you sighed, leaning against the wall.
Donnie saw your look of distress, setting the books down and walking over to you. "What's wrong?"
"My dad. He never thinks I can take care of myself. He wants me to be a stupid lawyer, but I want to be an artist, and he thinks I'll just end up homeless on the streets and I think I'm good enough to succeed and--" you took in a shaky breath, trying to calm your emotions.
"Hey," Donnie comforted, "It'll be alright. I've seen what you can do with a paper and pencil."
"Yeah, but..." you sniffled, "What if he's right? What if no one likes my pieces, and I can't succeed."
Donnie paused, before answering, "Y/N, you could never not succeed. You're a great artist, an inspiring writer, and one of the smartest girls I know. Don't let your father get to you. My brothers always took me for granted when I first started making machines. Prove your dad wrong."
You smiled through a light haze of tears, hugging Donnie quickly. "Thank you," you said, "Thank you so much, Donnie. You don't know what that means to me."
Donnie rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Oh, it was no problem, really," he mumbled.
"Well, thanks anyway."
Donnie smiled his gap toothed smile, and you grinned in return. You both walked down the alley, talking about the latest PJO book, all worries forgotten.

Guys, I just want you to know that you all can do anything you set your mind to. Whether that be becoming the best artist or the smartest scientist. You can and will make history.
Donnie: well put, Annabeth.
Me: thank you. and to you guys, *addresses turtles and April* I want you to know I couldn't have asked for any better friends. You guys are what helps me through, even you, Raph.
Raph: *rolls eyes and smiles* gee, thanks.
Mikey: Aww, thanks Annabeth! *hugs me*
Leo: thank you, Annabeth.
April: you're the best, girl! Never forget that!
Donnie: yeah, you're a great person.
Me: shtap it, all of you, before you make me cry. Bye my lovelies!
Everyone: Bye!

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