Dancing in The Rain- Michelangelo

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You'd been practicing your moves on the rooftop. Your apartment was just too tiny to dance in. The clouds above were dark and foreboding, but the sun was setting, sending warm orange and yellow light across the city. As you tried to complete a particularly hard routine, a huge drop plunked onto your forehead... followed by another two... then five... and the storm began. You grinned as the sun still peeked out, just above the horizon and still shining as the storm continued. Your mind wandered back to the song lyrics, I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain, falling down on a sunny day.

"Yes!" you shouted, "I'm seein' it now!"

With that, you began dancing vigorously; pushing yourself to spin faster, feel the rain hit your skin quicker with each rotation. Within seconds, you were doing a complex pirouette, jumping and spinning and landing and spinning. But you wavered slightly, causing yourself to wobble and start to fall. You braced yourself for contact, but it never came.

You glanced up to see Mikey, holding you up. You instantly began to blush, and stood up. Mikey grinned at you, and your heart soared.

"Hi Mikey!" you exclaimed.

"Hi, m'lady," he replied, making you laugh. He hadn't let up on that nickname since he'd asked you out. "Nice moves!" he continued.

"Aww, thanks," you said, "It couldn't be that good."

"Really! You're just as pretty as the day I first met you."

You blushed even harder, clasping your hands in front of you. Mikey didn't stop.

"The day I met you, you were dancing, and all I could think was, 'wow, that girl's got skill!'"

You laughed, and Mikey took hold of both your hands, baby blue eyes searching through your e/c ones. You were positive your entire face was red.

"You were dancing when we met," Mikey stated, "And I hope you keep dancing... just with me next to you."

You hugged him tightly. "Always," you whispered, and you wished it would always rain on sunny days.

Okay, don't you guys just love when this happens? Like, when it's raining like crazy, but the sun's still out, so it's like, 'haha, sucka! You thought you could hold back the sunshine, but it can't be done! It just can't!' Ya know?!

Mikey: Totally!

Me:... You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you.

Mikey: not in the least bit.

Me: Well, at least you're honest. Farewell, my lovelies!

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