Found Out? - All

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It started like any other day.

The girls woke up about halfway through the Turtles' morning training, kneeling groggily beneath the tree as they watched their boyfriends spar. Grins were on everyone's faces as each couple met outside the dojo after scrimmaging, M/G and Mikey heading off to the kitchen to start breakfast, L/G and Leo heading to the pinball machine and trying to beat high scores, Donnie and D/G collapsing together on the couch, trying to catch a few extra winks of rest after another sleepless night, and R/G playfully pushing Raph toward the shower, declaring that if he didn't wash that horrible stink off, she just might have to break up with him and his B.O. .

The eight teens finally conferenced around the kitchen table for breakfast, Mikey and his girlfriend wide awake and ready to eat, R/G laughing as she hugged a now-clean Raphael, Leo and L/G having a conversation about the plans for today, Donnie and his love leaning sleepily on eachother with tiny smiles of contentment. Turns were taken reaching for the syrup for the waffles and passing around the bowl of fruit M/G always insisted be prepared every morning.

They finally made it out of the kitchen after having tried to leave without cleaning up and being ordered by Master Splinter to return to tidy up. The geniuses of the group were just headed to the lab, the leader and his girl about to head off to the dojo, the remaining two couples beginning the never-ending battle for the TV remote.

And then April stumbled in.

"Guys," She panted, her crystal blue eyes darted to each member of the group, though she was careful her gaze never landed on D/G.

"April? What is it?" Leo asked, frozen on the steps to the dojo, one foot just about to step through the Japanese screens.

" won't believe this," She managed, resting her hands on her knees and staring down at the ground as she fought to catch her breath. 

"You sound like you just ran a marathon!" Mikey quipped, trying to lighten the suddenly ominous mood, though the tension in the air only seemed to grow.

R/G hurried over and took hold of April's arm gently, guiding her to the couch as she consoled, "Calm down, April..."

Casey walked in at that moment,  a baseball bat drawn from his golf bag, his dark eyes shifty as he hopped over the turnstiles and bolted to April's side, rubbing her back soothingly. D/G had become increasingly anxious with the arrivals of her Donnie's old crush and her new boyfriend.

"Turn on the TV," Casey ordered lowly, ignoring the baffled looks thrown at him, "You all need to see this for yourselves."

An uncomfortable hush fell over the teens, as Leo reached for the remote and switched on the TV.  Theme music from the local news station began to playing, big letters flashing across the screen: BREAKING NEWS.

"New developments on the strange sightings recently in the city," An attractive, blonde anchor reported, folding her hands as she continued, "We now have evidence of mutants inhabiting New York!"

She said mutants as if she had just revealed a shocking new disease spreading across the city. Everyone's breathing stopped as hearts skipped beats.

"We have reason to believe that a group of these mutants are derived from terrapins. There is also evidence to support the theory of this group being developed far beyond the abilities of their reptilian ancestors, going so far as to somehow have learned martial arts."

A blurred image of four figures flashed onto the screen, too blurred to make out any facial features, but not hiding the shells on their backs or the glint of weapons in the moonlight as the Turtles battled the Purple Dragons. A collective gasp erupted through the lair as the news anchor's words continued to tumble out in a rush.

"A recent routine check of security cameras, as well as several accounts given by citizens, are enough to conclude that these are very much real. This group of turtle creatures are not the only ones found. Surveillance has shown other mutants popping up throughout the city."

More photos came into view, all presenting a new mutant - Mondo Gecko, the Mighty Mutanimals, Squirrelonoids - much to Mikey's discomfort - even pictures of Tigerclaw and Rahzar popped up. Everyone was speechless.

"Scientists are still scratching their heads as to how such a phenomenon could have occurred that enabled human and animal DNA to combine, though they suspect it has something to do with the numerous Kraang mishaps occurring more regularly now."

The attractive anchor whipped off her snazzy glasses, looking at the camera intensely as she uttered the next few words, "Further investigation has also shown possible connections between the...turtle martial artists, and these six students, all attending Roosevelt High School."

The girls' and Casey's eyes widened as they saw the names appear next to a school picture:

April O'Neil
Casey Jones

" did they figure it out?"D/G whispered fearfully, her grip on Donnie's hand tightening.

"April O'Neil's, Casey Jones's, and L/G L/G/L/N's parents have already been notified, though they have refused questioning," The news lady droned on, "While the families of the other suspects have disappeared altogether. If you have any information regarding these mutants or any of the people listed, please contact--"

Ms. Snazzy-Glasses-Woman never got to finish when a sai embedded itself in the cable box, making the screen go black.

"Raphael!" Donnie protested, obviously distraught about the new discoveries and having to fix up another gadget.

"What?" Raph retorted, "It's not like we would've learned much more anyway. They're on our tracks. We're about to be found out!"

"What do we do?" M/G cried, clinging to Mikey as if her life depended on it.

"Alright, no matter what, we need to keep calm," Leo consoled, splaying his fingers and making a 'stop' gesture to everyone, "We can't think clearly with all this going on. We need to--"

"April?! Casey?!"

Ten heads jerked in the direction of the lair's entrance.

"A-Angel?" Casey and April said simultaneously, shooting to their feet, "What're you doing here?"

The Turtles hands flew to their weapons, each preparing to fight as their girlfriends stood by, slack jawed. The click of a camera phone halting a recording resounded as the girl's eyebrows knitted together. Her hair was dyed an obnoxious pink, falling to the top of her green cut-off sweatshirt in two ponytails. Her right brow was pierced with two rings, and Angel's dark eyes narrowed as she took in the scene and pointed accusingly at the Turtles.

"You guys are the freaks in the news!" She exclaimed, brandishing her phone in the air like it was grenade she was about to set off, "Oh man, I'll get nice reward for turning you all in."

"No! You can't!" R/G cried.

"You think I have a choice, sweetie?" Angel shot back, "The boss'll have my head if he finds out I didn't turn in all this dirt I have on you guys."

It was then the other teens noticed the Purple Dragon tattoo slithering around the girl's bicep. Angel sneered, pulling something from her sweatshirt pocket as she stared down each of the Turtles individually.

"See ya in the science labs, losers," She spat, before throwing the smoke bomb to the ground and disappearing in a cloud of silvery mist.

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