Musicality - Leonardo

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Everyone, until I get emotion back into my writing, we are going to assume you've already moved into a place with your turtle (or, in Mikey's case, have already set out on the road with him). I want those chapters to be very good and sincere, and I am not content with my previous attempts to write said sincere chapters. So... Yay! You two are officially living on your own! *party streamers* I'll write them in later, I promise.

I yawned as I sat down on the love seat in the middle of the living room, admiring the fresh, cool gray paint and sipping my green tea. The white orchid I bought to warm up the house a little stared brightly back at me from its spot on the coffee table, its dainty petals like a comforting smile to ease away my morning loneliness. Leo had left for an early patrol with his brothers, a phenomenon which he informed me would be taking place every three days. 

Apparently this routine had been going on infinitely, a fact he had seemed reluctant to admit. I now realized just how many times he'd left me asleep in during the wee hours of the morning to train and patrol. Too many to count, that's for sure.

Music played from my small speaker on the kitchen counter, switching to different musical tracks I'd saved on my Broadway playlist. I sighed, watching the morning sun beginning to inch closer to the horizon through the huge east facing window that overtook most of the wall. 

"Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes, Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments, oh dear..."

I gasped, sitting up straight and nearly spilling my tea when I recognized that iconic song from Rent. I was on my feet in an instant, singing the lyrics without even thinking and acting out my own made-up choreography with minimal movements. I was a thespian, after all. What was I supposed to do when an irresistible musical number came on?

"Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes, How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?" I belted out, giggling to myself at how silly I must've looked, not caring in the least while I rocked to the beat.

"In Daylights - In Sunsets, In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee, In Inches - In Miles, In Laughter - In Strife," I tried to add vibrato to my tune, only ending up creating a voice crack that made me laugh even more. I went through the entire song, bobbing my head to the beat and swinging my hips to the rhythm.

"In Truth That She Learned, Or In Times That He Cried, In Bridges He Burned,Or The Way That She Died, It's Time Now - To Sing Out, Though The Story Never Ends, Let's Celebrate, Remember the Years in the Life of Friends!" I called out to no one, busting out the corniest dance moves I knew and counting out the digits I sang on my fingers.

"Remember the... LLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE!" I cried, spinning and spinning 'round, my bare feet tapping against the floor as I twirled.

"What about it?" A voice asked in confusion, and I screeched to a halt.

Leo quirked an eye ridge at me, laying his katanas against the coat rack and closing the front door behind him. My face went visibly red, and I cleared my throat nervously while the song continued to play.

"I was just... appreciating Broadway," I explained over the blaring music.

Leo chuckled, striding over and hitting pause on my phone as Seasons of Love began to fade out. I shuffled my feet, trying to divert the conversation from my embarrassing performance as quickly as possible.

"Since when did you start using the front door? You usually come in through the window in the bedroom."

He shrugged with a secretive smirk. "It's early enough, no one was out in the hallway. Besides, if I'd come in through there, you would've spotted me watching you right away."

"...You were watching me?"

"Saw you from the roof across the street," Leo tried to hold back a laugh, coming closer and slinking his arms around my waist, "Nice moves, by the way."

I laughed sheepishly, kissing him and rubbing my hands up and down his arms chastely. "Guess we better buy some curtains for that window, then."

He shook his head. "I like seeing you dancing like no one's watching."

I smiled, stepping closer for another kiss when my feet splashed right into a large puddle on the hardwood. I'd forgotten to put down my cup of tea before beginning my choreography to Rent.

"Oops," I mumbled nervously, "Uh... good thing we don't have carpet, right?"

Leo couldn't help the slightly exasperated laugh. "Hardwood warps, you know."

I backed out of his hold with an apologetic smile and heading for the paper towels in the kitchen. "Well, when Broadway comes on, everything else of importance vanishes from my mind." I winked at him playfully. "Everything except you of course, Leonardo."

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