Teens No More - Michelangelo

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"Funfetti? How did you know I loved that flavor?"
"Well, partially because you're my boyfriend and I know that kind of stuff, and partially because you posted a sign one every wall in the lair with the words 'Mikey loves funfetti cake' on each one."
"You know what else I love? You." Mikey flashed me an innocent grin, grabbing another cupcake from the stack and reaching for the new volume of Wingnut and Screwloose issues I'd bought for him. I gasped, gently swatting his hand away.
"No reading your issues with frosting fingers," I scolded lightly, "I would think you'd know simple comic book etiquette like that, Mikey."
He huffed like a small child. "But Wingnut and Screwloose--"
"--can wait until you're done," I finished for him, scooting the volume further away from him.
He eventually surrendered, going back to eating the delicious cupcakes I'd baked and even sharing a bit of his stash with me.
"So, how are your applications going for Juliard?" He asked casually.
I sighed. "They're going, I guess. I'm on the waitlist."
Mikey brightened, straightening up and exclaiming around the piece of cake, "That's awesome!"
"I'll be on the waitlist for two years, minimum." (Gimme a break I don't know about waitlists and colleges and things like that so we're just gonna go with two years)
His face fell. I turned back to picking the paper off of my confectionery.
"I just have to be patient at this point," I continued bemusedly, turning back to look at him with a forced smile, "And besides, I can spend more time with you now."
He nodded in half enthusiasm. "Or you could... take those two years and travel the world. Make one of your other dreams come true, y'know?"
I paused, having not contemplated this before. How could I have forgotten my life-long dream to see the world?
"Yeah, I guess you're right," I responded in realization.
"You should go," He insisted, "Juliard will be waiting for you when you get back. And you could go visit your mom in London, too."
I grinned at the idea of seeing my mother again. It seemed like almost a lifetime ago since she'd left to the U.K. with her new love, Ben.
"You're right, Mikey," I finally said, "Next chance I get, I'm buying two plane tickets out of here."
He tilted his head in confusion. "Two? Why...?"
"Because you're going with me, obviously," I explained.
Mikey apparently hadn't expected that. "But Y/N, I'm a turtle--"
"You're my turtle," I cut him off jokingly, "And I don't care. We made a promise to each other when we met that we would see the world together. I can't enjoy watching all those sunsets in Japan and Italy and Greece if you're not there watching them beside me."
"Really?" He asked, growing happier by the second. "But what about the guys...?"
"Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni Hamato, you are officially twenty years old as of today. I believe you are perfectly capable of making decisions on your own now."
"Yeah... yeah! You're right," he smiled, "Let's do it! Let's go see the sights and watch the sunsets and eat the food and have some fun! ...and you know I hate it when people use my whole name."
I laughed. "My apologies." I leaned over to give him a kiss.
"None needed, my lady," he mumbled against my lips.

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