First Date- Raphael

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You wobbled in your heels as you made your way to Murakami's. Raph had told you to meet him here, and when your mom found out you were going out, she wouldn't shut up about getting to 'beautify' you. You skin tight jeans on, with a flowing white top and bangles on your wrists. Yep, you absolutely hated it.
You walked in the door to the restaurant, and were greeted by Murakami.
"Hello, miss Y/N," he greeted you, "Looking for Raphael?"
"Yes sir," you replied, trying not to make the bracelets jingle loudly. You sniffed the air, smelling pizza gyoza... Mmm!
"He is in the back room," Murakami gestured behind him, and you made your way to the other room.
Raph was by the window, and stood up as you walked in the door and almost fell on your face.
"Whoa," he started, "Y/N, you look..."
"Uncomfortable? Irritated?" you finished for him, blowing some of your h/c hair out of your eyes in frustration.
"Well, I was gonna say nice but...Yeah," Raph admitted, and you smiled. You kicked off the obnoxious heels, and threw your shirt off, revealing the red tank top you had underneath. You sighed in relief as your toes finally relaxed, you shook off the annoying, loud bracelets.
"Ahhh," you breathed, "Finally. Now my feet don't feel like they're broken."
Raph smirked and walked up to you, putting an arm around your shoulder. "You know, you're a lot prettier when you're being yourself."
You began to blush, and tried to cover it up with another smirk. "Hey, don't blame me, my mother forced me into wearing that."
"Sure she did," Raph walked over to the window, and you followed. As you approached, you realized there was food set up on a small tray, with a few pillows around it. You sighed in content. You were so lucky to have a boyfriend like him. Sue, he could be a little hotheaded, and sure he had a bit of an anger issue, but that only made you like him more.
You took a seat next to Raph and observed the meal: pizza gyoza and chocolate chip cookies. You raised an eyebrow at Raph.
"Chocolate chip cookies?"
"Hey, I thought you liked them!"
You punched Raph playfully. "I love them! You're the best, Raph!"
Against your better judgment, you kissed him quickly on the cheek. Your boyfriend turned as red as his mask.
"I-I, er, um," he stumbled, and you smiled. Raphael-the Raphael-was stuttering over a peck on the cheek!
"C'mon, let's eat," you said, and Raph rolled his eyes.

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