Musicality - Michelangelo

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Alright guys, I'm filling you all in. Because M/G wants to travel, you and Mikey will be doing just that! Taking an extended leave of absence and traveling! So you will be living in the Party Wagon - for now. Enjoy!

"Mikey! Wake up!"

"Huh?" The orange clad turtle blinked his eyes, slowly coming out of his slumbering stupor and sitting back on his elbows to me.

"Y/N? Wha...?" He rummaged around beside the mattress he was laying on to find his T-Phone, blinking rapidly at the harsh light that greeted him when he checked the time. "I-It's 2 a.m.!"

"I know!" I quipped, "but I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk to the old dumpster behind the thrift shop and--"

"You left the Party Wagon?!" Mikey cried, bolting straight up, "Y/N, you know it's dangerous going out alone, at night, in a city you don't know--"

"We're in Nebraska, Mikey. I don't think it's quite as precarious as sneaking out in New York would be."

"Still! What if you got hurt?"

"I didn't, it's fine," I pacified him, reaching over and flipping the switch overhead to turn on the lights in the back of the van, "Besides, this is supposed to be an adventure! What's adventure without a little excitement?"

Mikey ran a hand down his face, pulling me to him and nuzzling my hair. "Just wake me up if you wanna go somewhere next time, okay? We could've driven over to that dumpster."

"Meh. I needed the exercise." I grinned, pulling out my bag of looted dumpster merchandise. "Look what I got!"

Mikey smiled as he watched me extract Claudius flashy clothes and doodads. "No way, my lady! Feather boas?"

"Two! One for me, one for you," I declared, lobbing one around his neck, "You look very stylish."

"Don't I always?" He replied, snuggling into the multitude of feathers.

"I also got hats, boots, jackets, and pants," I leaned over to kiss his cheek, "I'll have you disguised like a pro, the minute you finally decide you wanna take a plane to get out of the country."

Mikey laughed nervously. "I still don't get why we can't just drive to Britain. Planes go too far up..."

"Because oceans, Mikey." I shook my head with a small giggle.

"What else you got in there?" He asked, ignoring my comments and throwing a sleepy arm around my shoulder, watching me take out several CDs.

"I guess someone didn't want these anymore," I observed, turning them over in my hands, but they're probably scratched..."

"Scratched? Pfft. We figured out a way to play scratched CDs, back at the lair!" Mikey exclaimed, grabbing the discs from me and examining them.

"You did?"

"Yeah! When you can't go and by new stuff from a store, you start finding ways to hold on to every little thing you've got, even if it's kinda broken." Mikey turned his back on me, beginning his work on the CDs.

It was easy to forget how different mine and Mikey's lives had been. Sometimes it slipped my mind that he had never gotten to see the world outside the sewer, much less outside NYC. I hoped he was enjoying our traveling as much as I was.

"Hey, can I see..?" I made to peer around his carapace to see his work.

"Ah ah ah! A magician never reveals his secrets, my lady," Mikey smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Hurry up then."

When he did finally finish his reparations, Mikey lunged forward, inserting one of the newly-cleaned discs into the player and hitting a button. In moments, the entire van was filled with a groovy melody I recognized right away.

"Mamma Mia!" I gasped excitedly.

"What? Whose mamma?" He asked confused my, scratching his head.

"No, silly goose. Mamma Mia! The Broadway musical! I didn't know I'd scrounged this out of there! Who would throw away such quality music?!" I scrambled over to my bag of trinkets, pulling out a hairbrush, some shades, and my own boa.

"Y/N, what're you--"

He was cut of when I started to sing along to the song.

"Friday night and the lights are low, Looking out for a place to go, Where they play the right music,Getting in the swing, You come to look for a king..." I giggled, singing into my hairbrush and throwing on my shades, rocking back and forth to the tune.  Mikey stared at me like I'd gone insane.


"C'mon, my turtle, I know you know this!" I encouraged, going back to singing, "Anybody could be that guy, Night is young and the music's high,  With a bit of rock music
Everything is fine, You're in the mood for a dance, And when you get the chance...."

"Oh...oh! Wait I know this!" Mikey smiled, reaching for his nunchucks and singing into his weapon along with me, "You are the dancing queen, Young and sweet, Only seventeen, Dancing queen, Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah, You can dance, You can jive, Having the time of your life, Ooh, see that girl, Watch that scene,Dig in the dancing queen.

And that's the story of how Mikey and I ended up singing Mamma Mia at 2 a.m. in the Party Wagon - in Nebraska.

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