Jealousy - Michelangelo

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"She's a Time-Mistress," Mikey explained, looking bored as he picked off the mushrooms on his pizza.

"Mmm hmm," I jotted down the information in my notepad, "And what was her name again?"

He rolled his eyes subtly. "Renet Tilley."

"How tall is she?"

"Probably three inches more than me."

I tapped my pencil against my chin, scanning my list and then flipping the page to another blank one. "And how about this Shinigami girl--"
"Y/N, enough," Mikey groaned, "why do you want to know all this stuff anyway?"

"Because I need to know all their strengths and weaknesses, so if they come near my boyfriend I'll be able to knock flat on their--"
"They're not a threat!" He exclaimed, "Renet's back in the future, we haven't seen her in... well, years. And Shini moved back to Japan at the end of the war to overthrow Shredder."

"Well, what if they come back?" I argued, gazing at my notes and glancing back up at him.

"Neither of them are interested in me. Shinigami mentioned something about having a boyfriend, and Renet never called me back."

"Yeah, but--"

"And why can't you trust me to reject them if they do come around?"

I sighed, putting my notepad aside and avoiding his gaze. "I dunno..."

He smiled softly, setting his pizza down and pulling me close. "They don't even compare to you, Y/N."

I shook my head, "Mikey, I could never be as good as those girls."

He frowned. "What? Why?"

I stood up, wringing my hands and beginning to pace around.

"Renet's tall, and fun, and spunky. She's a time-mistress! She's so awesome, my awesomeness is microscopic compared to her awesomeness. And Shinigami knows magic, and she's stunning. From what you've told me, she's graceful, a total prankster, and she's got the perfect body type--"

"Hold up," Mikey interrupted, standing up with me, "What do you mean, the 'perfect body type? And what do you mean, 'microscopic awesomeness'?"

"Well, I can't punch a hole in the space time continuum," I replied, "And I can't time travel. All I've got is... speed. And Shini has all the curves in all the right places, and perfect hair, and amazing eyes, and... well, look at me! I'm shapeless, my hair's always a mess, and--"



"Y/N, stop," Mikey took my hand, "You're talking crazy."

"Am I? Because every girl you've been attracted to is always so much better than--"

He silenced me with a kiss, pulling back to rest his forehead against mine.

"You," he said, "are more than I could ever ask for. You're awesome. You have magic without needing any spooky tricks or any time scepter. I can see magic. You're full of it, and anything you look at, or touch, gets filled up with all that magic you've got inside you. You're beautiful. You're perfect in your own way, and I love you. You, Y/N. Not Renet Tilley, not Shinigami. You."

Tears began to brim in my eyes, and my eyes drifted to the floor.

"Listen to me," he pleaded, "you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Okay? Remember when you got kidnapped by those Foot soldiers?"

I nodded, my memory traveling back to that fateful night when I'd met Mikey, almost two years ago.

"And remember when you hugged me after I saved you?"


"You filled me up with your magic. You made me so happy when you hugged me, and I never admitted it to myself, but I fell in love with you right then and there. You put a spell on me, I think," His playful smile returned, "No fair! I only had my charming wit to win you over."

I giggled, tackling him into an embrace. "I love you..."

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