Is Everything OK? -Michelangelo

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I pushed the pause button, stopping the music playing from the radio, and sat at the kitchen table with a sigh, staring over at the corner, where Mikey had propped my cello. After I'd stopped wanting to dance with him, he's brought it over, trying to cheer me up. But I hadn't touched it.

I wasn't particularly depressed about having to stay at the lair. It certainly was better than the alternative: waiting for nights on end for my parents to show up. My mom at the club, my dad at the bar, both trying to find someone new for an easy one night stand. At least I didn't have to live with that anymore.

What really ate away at me though, came down to two things. First, my experience with the Shredder. Dreams of syringes plunging into my skin still plagued me. Second, the continuous nightmares of my parents, shooting venomous words at me and each other, running out, leaving me helpless.

"Y/N?" I was startled out of my gloomy thoughts as Mikey peered around the corner at me.

I tried to muster a smile, but probably only managed a grimace. Mikey sat in the chair beside me, looking at me with his curious baby blues.

"Say something, my lady. You've barely looked at me," He pleaded, taking my hand in his, "I know you're not just sad about what happened."

My resolve crumbled. I stared at my feet, a pool of tears gathering in my eyes.

"I can't stop thinking about Mom and Dad. They... They commit adultery against each other, just to watch each other suffer. I hate it. My whole life, I've watched them tear themselves apart. I...," My voice faltered.

"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?" Mikey's asked worriedly.

"I didn't want you to see me like this," I gestured to the tears now falling down my cheeks, "I don't want people to see me as a poor, broken, defenseless soul."

Mikey tackled me into a hug. "You are anything but," he assured me, "you're the most amazing and pretty and awesome girl I've ever met. I might be a ninja, but you're definitely stronger than me, in more ways than one."

I giggled, sniffling and returning his hug. "Thanks, my turtle."

"You're welcome, my lady."

I know. I'm an evil heartless monster for writing this into the story. I'm sorry. I'll just go now. *starts walking out*

Mikey: no, Annabeth! Don't go!

Me: I have no choice. I have committed a sin against my fandom, by creating so much sadness.

Mikey: *shakes head* but you can't leave! You have more chapters! You can't leave them sad!

Me: *takes a deep breath* you know what Mikey, you're right. I shall stay!

Mikey: Yuss!

Me: see you next chapter, my lovelies!

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