Night On The Town - Raphael

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"Okay," Raph said, eyeing the main street just outside the alley we stood in, "You got shoes you can run in, right?"

"Yeah," I pointed down at the burgundy Converse that matched my t-shirt dress, "But honestly, I don't know why you're making such a big deal of this..."

"Y/N, you don't know the half of it," He insisted, taking my hand and kissing the top of my head, "They're crazy out there."

"We can handle ourselves," I promised, "But if you don't wanna go, we can always do this some other time..."

"No," He said, "I'm not letting 'em get in the way of spending time with you."

I laughed softly, nodding. "Let's do this."

We hurried out, heads down and huddled close to one another, trying to remain inconspicuous as we walked.

And then I heard it.


"Crap," He muttered, as a platinum blonde teen pushed her way toward him, "Run!"

We raced down the sidewalk, dodging another girl who fell behind to join the hormonal mob chasing after my boyfriend. Some chick suddenly jumped out in front of Raph, grabbing him by the arm and trying to take a selfie with him. I shoved her away, as he shouted, "Thanks, Y/N!"

"Don't thank me - just hurry!"

I couldn't help laughing as we darted around passersby, trying to avoid all these girls. Raph suddenly yanked me into an alley, peeking around the corner as the crowd rushed right past us. We broke out laughing, bent over in hysteria.

"You were right - they are crazy," I giggled.

He chuckled, taking my hand again and guiding me further down the alley. I slowly recognized where we were.

"Are we heading over to the apartment again?"

He only smiled knowingly, pushing open the door for me and guiding me into the building. In the center of the lobby, a ring of candles lit up a small area, just enough for me to glimpse a medium sized box.

I gasped, glancing imploringly at Raph. He chuckled and gestured for me to go on and open it.

I stepped closer, squealing in delight when I lifted the lid. A tiny turtle, bow tied around its shell, burbled happily at me.

"Oh my gosh, he's adorable!" I lifted the little terrapin out of the box.

"She," My boyfriend corrected softly, slinking an arm around my waist.

"Oh," I smiled apologetically at my new pet, "Sorry, little one."

Raph grinned. "So what are you gonna name her?"

I thought for a moment, then lit up all over again. "MJ!"

He raised a brow. "Michael Jackson?"

"No, Raphie. Like Mary Jane!"

"...From Spider-Man," He continued for me, laughing a little.

"Well, it was either that, or Gwen Stacy."

He smiled, nuzzling my cheek. "I'm just glad you like her..."

"I do. Thank you so much, Raph." I beamed and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

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