His thoughts about you-Leonardo

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I huffed in frustration, trying to meditate. Y/N wasn't going to be back for another 10 minutes, or so I thought, and I sat on the fire escape near her window.

"Come on, Leo," I kept telling myself, "You need to work on this."

"Do you always talk to yourself?" I jumped as Y/N climbed out her window and sat next to me.

"Y/N!" I exclaimed, "sorry, I didn't see you there. I was just meditating-"

"Meditation? Nice! Can I join you?"

I was stunned. None of my brothers ever wanted to practice with me. I nodded and she took my stance. I explained what to do in different stances, and she began to follow me, until she got to a particularly difficult pose and fell over.

I hurried over, worried, but she began laughing, and I started to laugh too. We sat there, hysterical, for about a minute before we kneeled and began to meditate again.

I shook my head, frowning and trying to deepen my concentration. I breathed in, then out, but my mind strayed back to Y/N.

She actually would make a good ninja, despite the fact that she couldn't hold a few poses. Her calm air was contagious. I always felt the most at peace around her. She could make me laugh when I was distant, thinking about some new villain we'd encountered. Her taste in TV shows was impeccable... we both now liked Space Heroes and Kim Possible.

She could be shy sometimes, but deep down, she was confident and at ease with herself. She was mature, but fun too.

I opened one eye to look at Y/N. Her eyes were closed, and she had a small smile on her face, moving her hands in and out of positions fluently. she frowned though, and began to open her eyes. I closed mine to avoid her seeing me staring at her.

"Man, this is harder than it looks," Y/N stated, pulling her knees up to her chest and leaning her chin onto them.

"Well, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it," I replied, opening my eyes to look at her.

Y/N continued, "It's really nice when you can get into that centered mode. You don't have any worries, and you've come to accept your flaws. It's an awesome feeling."

I felt the exact same way. How could we be such good friends and only have eachother for about a month? I'll never know.

Y/N turned and smiled at me, and I got off the ground and helped her up.

"Wanna go watch some Space Heroes?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

She raised an eyebrow. "Leo, you know the deal. If you get to watch Space Heroes, I get to watch some Kim Possible."

"Not if I get there first," I joked, racing into her bedroom. I grabbed the remote and turned around, but Y/N was already right behind me. She snatched the remote, jumped on her bed, and as she was leaping, turned the channel to Kim Possible.

"Never underestimate me, Leonardo," she said to me in a voice about an octave lower than her normal one.

"Come on, Ms. Heroic," I said, siting on the ground in front of the TV and gesturing for her to join me.

Y/N took a seat, turning the volume up and pulling some popcorn out of nowhere. I smiled and sat closer, trying to grab some, but she put away, a wary look on her face.

"Don't worry," I said, putting my hands up, "I won't steal all the popcorn."

She smiled and handed me some popcorn, before turning and looking at the TV. I grinned. This was awesome... getting to hang out with her.

Yay! Loved this scenario too! Just so you know, the words are italic because they're his thoughts, not yours. Just FYI.

Leo: *from other room* Annabeth! Kim Possible is on!

Me: *looks out of room longingly* pull yourself together, Annabeth, you must say good bye to your loyal readers.

Raph:*walks in* do you always talk to yourself?

Me: as a matter of fact, yes I do.

Raph: *rolls eyes*

Me: farewell, my lovelies! *runs out to watch KP*

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