Seeing Him

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A/N: This book will switch occasionally between all Turtles included and one chapter for each Turtle. Just letting you know.


A sudden gust of cold wind blew your (h/c) in and out of your eyes as you say on the fire escape outside your apartment. You wiped away more salty tears as you thought about the day. Your ex had tried to apologize, pleading with you to give him another chance, but you knew he wasn't worth your time. That still didn't mean it hurt any less. You wiped your wet cheeks on your sleeve.

"What's wrong?" you jumped at the familiar voice of the vigilante from last night. You could see his figure, crouching on the ladder, still hidden in the shadows.

"I'm fine," you lied, turning your head so he wouldn't be able to see your red, puffy eyes.

"I, um, just came to make sure you and your mother were okay," he mumbled, and you smiled faintly at his thoughtfulness.

"Yeah, we're okay," you replied, standing up. The guy shifted backwards, making sure you couldn't see him.
"Although," you continued, "it would be nice to see the guy who saved us."

"Trust me, you don't wanna see me," he said.

"Oh, come on," you coaxed, "You can't be that bad."

He hesitated, then finally said, "Just promise you won't scream."

"Why would I--" you faltered as Leonardo stepped into the light. He was... a turtle?! Your eyes roamed over his green skin and three-fingered hands, skimming over the shell on his back. You glimpsed his muscled form, and blushed slightly. You saw his eyes, the same startling deep nlue, surrounded by a similarly colored mask.

"See?" you finally spoke, walking up to him, "Told you."

The turtle was shocked. "You're not afraid?"

"Are you kidding? You saved my mom and I from getting mugged! Why would I be scared of you?"

Leonardo laughed quietly. You gestured for him to wait while you climbed in your window. You came out moments later with a small slip of paper.

"What's this?" he asked, as you handed it to him.

"My number. I owe you, after you saved us from that thug last night. So, if there's anything I can help you with, anything at all, text me." You smiled as you placed your number in his palm. 

Leonardo stared in awe for a second at the paper, but quickly recovered his calm, cool, and collected air.

"Thanks," he tucked the scrap into his belt, then looked around, looking up at the full moon, "nice night."

"Yeah," you said sadly, "yeah, it is."

Leonardo's seemed to notice your unhappiness. but you were grateful when he didn't push you on the matter. 

"I have to get going," he almost mumbled, and you nodded in agreement. He climbed the railing of the fire escape, preparing to jump.

"See you around, Leonardo," you waved as he turned to look at you, snuggling into your sweater to keep warm.

"Call me Leo," he replied, "and you are...?"

"Y/N," you said. Leo smiled, then leapt down, leaving you to your thoughts. But most of your thoughts were about him too.


"No!" You cried as you sat on the edge of your seat, book in hand. Percy Jackson had just taken hold of the sky, to save his friend, Annabeth (hehehe ^.^). (P.S. I don't regret putting in a PJO reference. you all should know this.)

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