Who's The Hero Here? - Donatello

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My tongue stuck out of my mouth a little as I put the last wire into place.

"Finished your project, Wise Girl?" Donnie asked, completely focused on his latest invention.

"Almost...got it!" I cried happily as the little mechanical orb if created lit up with brilliant white light, "Yes!"

D glanced over at my device and quirked a brow curiously, "What's the purpose?"

"It's part of my cosplay costume!" I explained gleefully, holding up the orb proudly, "One of these days I'm going to go to the New York Comic Con as Iron Man!"

He rolled his eyes subtly, going back to his work as I obliviously continued, "Won't that be awesome? Me as Iron Man - smart, witty,  AMAZING Iron Man..."

"Oh yeah," Donnie replied sarcastically, dipping a pipette into some copper nitride, "Then I can hear even more of this 'Iron Man's a genius, Iron Man's so intellectual' talk..."

"First of all," I retorted, "I sound nothing like that. Second of all," I rolled over in my office chair to wrap my arms around his neck, "Iron Man is an idiot compared to you."

Donnie's hand faltered across the chemicals as he glanced up dubiously at me, though I caught a swell of pride in his eyes. I beamed at him, slowly turning his chair to face me.

"Think about it," I continued in a low voice, "Iron Man hasn't saved the entire world multiple times. He didn't figure out an amazing retromutagen to save people. And he's DEFINITELY not as good-looking as you are."

Donnie's face flushed a bright red as he smiled sheepishly, pulling me close to kiss my nose. I crinkled up my face, making his smile bigger.

"Just remember," I said, "No matter how much smarter than Iron Man you are - you're still my Seaweed Brain."

That made my brainiac laugh softly, as he pecked my lips and replied, "I'll always be your Seaweed Brain."

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