Jealousy - Donatello

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"Try lengthening the testing period. Maybe then you could get some understandable results."

"I've already tried that," Donnie whined, "Nothing works. This is impossible!"

"Don't say that, I'm sure you'll get it," I assured, walking over and wrapping my arms around his shoulders from behind, peering over at the stacks of research papers, "What exactly are you researching?"

"Whether or not the mutagen will change ribosomes in an animal cell, or if another part of the cell is altered altogether when the DNA strands are changed --"

I stopped him with my finger pressed to his lips. "Forget I asked."

He grinned, pushing my hand away to kiss me gently. "Sorry, but you know how prone I am to geeking out when you ask questions like that."

"One of the many reasons I love you," I replied, straightening up as he stood.

He cracked his knuckles, rolling his shoulders to try to relieve some of the tension in his stiff muscles. "You want something to eat?"

My eyes lit up. "Nectar and ambrosia!" (Again, PJO reference. Again, READ THE BOOKS)

He chuckled, nodding in understanding. "Root beer and margherita pizza it is. I'll be right back."

"Don't be long!" I called after him, watching him disappear out the door and smiling to myself while I wandered over to his shelf of books on the other side of the lab, my eyes skimming the rows of scientific volumes before finally resting on the small section of fiction books.

"You're Donnie's girl, right?"

I jumped, whirling around to face the voice that had just spoken, my brow creasing in confusion and suspicion when I saw the black-haired boy, his clothes dirty and splotched with spray paint, his dangerous grin missing a few front teeth.

"Casey Jones," the name finally registered in my brain, as well as the stories D had told me a while back. In the back of my mind, a huge red flag went up.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," he replied smoothly, "and you are...?"

"Y/N," I mumbled, turning back to the bookshelf.

"Y/N. I like it," He said, stepping to my side and eyeing me discreetly, "So, E/c Eyes, you're his girlfriend, huh?"

I hummed my affirmation, eyes glued to the Harry Potter series I was now desperately wishing I could disappear into.

"You're way too gorgeous to be hanging out with that loser."

My eyes narrowed, and I turned to look at Casey again. "Excuse me?!"

"Hey, just speakin' the truth," He shrugged, "You're out of his league. Now me, on the other hand," he grinned and suddenly scooted a lot closer to me, "you and I would get along nicely."

I stepped back, my eyes backlit with anger. "Donnie's my boyfriend! And you're half the guy he is."

"Ooh, feisty," he laughed, sliding an arm around my shoulders, "I like that in a woman."

"Take a hint," I spat, escaping his hold and turning my back to him.

"Oh, c'mon, don't be like that. Here, I got an idea."

In a flash, I'd been twirled around to face Casey.

"How 'bout you dump that dork and come spend some time with me," He suggested slyly.

"Ugh! Not a chance!" I pushed him away again.

What happened next was so quick I barely realized what had occurred. A green hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Casey's shirt collar and then landing a perfect uppercut right to the jaw. Donnie threw Casey against the bookshelf, so that a few heavy encyclopedias thudded down onto the punk.

"Hey! What the...?" Casey's eyes widened when he saw my boyfriend, eyes seething with fury, "H-Hey man, I was just--"

"You touch her," Donnie interrupted threateningly, "you come near her again, and I'll shove your face into a dumpster. Got it?"

He released Casey, pointing to the lab doors. "Get out."

The boy scrambled to his feet, hand clapped over his now-bruised cheek as he scuttled out.

Donnie turned to me, taking my hand. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry, I saw him with his arms around you and I just--"

I silenced him with a soft kiss. "Thank you."

He laughed in a bit of embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and glancing at the lab doors where Casey had just disappeared.

I walked back over to the stack of research papers, and couldn't help mumbling, "You're cute, when you get all protective of me."

(Thanks to Sadiekins, for helping with this idea a few months ago)

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