Musicality - Raphael

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"Raph! Did you use the last of the orange juice?"


I groaned, shutting the door to the fridge. "I told you to tell me if we ran out out of anything. Now I have to go to the store and get some more."

Raph walked out of the indoor gym, a towel slung around his neck, sweat pouring, and an empty water bottle clenched in his hand.

"Sorry, Beautiful," he apologized as he walked closer, leaning close and giving me a kiss.

I smiled, but wrinkled my nose and pushed him away playfully. "You're stinky."

He chortled. "Yeah, kinda happens when I work out." He brushed past me, reopening the fridge and refilling his bottle, promising, "I'll take a shower after I'm finished."

I nodded, following Raph back to the gym. I had nothing else to do but maybe spot him, if he wanted. I'd already finished ordering the rest of the furniture for our place, and I'd already played the new piano that had been shipped in that morning.

Raph paused before entering the room where the weights and exercise machines were kept, almost making me bump into him. He gestured to all the music sheets littering the floor around the piano. "What's all that?"

Whoops. Forgot to clean those up.

"Oh. That," I stepped forward, kneeling to gather up the music, "Sorry, just some ideas for a song I'm writing and some musical numbers M/G wants me to help--"

"You're writing a song?"

I paused, brushing my hair behind my ear and trying to hide my blush. "Umm...yep."

Raph grinned, coming closer. "Can I hear it?"

"No!" Too quick. I answered too quickly. Raph looked taken aback, dare I say a bit hurt.

"It's's not ready yet." I cleared my throat awkwardly, placing the papers back on the piano and smoothing down the crinkles in my jeans as my fingers ran over the keys.

"If you don't want me to hear it, you can just say so," Raph grunted, turning and beginning to head back to the gym.

"I want you to listen to it, Raph, honest," I assured, "but not until I've finished it."

He glanced back at me, on the verge of disappearing back to his sanctuary of bench presses and back squats. I smiled softly. "I'll show you what else I've been working on, though."

Raph slowly made his way back over, a hint of his smirk showing through. "I dunno, I wouldn't want to repel you with my foul stench again."

" Repel? Foul stench? You're starting to talk like Donnie," I joked.

He laughed a little. "Yeah, you'd think I'd stop resembling my brothers after a while living away from them."

"Takes time, getting used to be on your own," I teased as he sat beside me.

"But I'm not on my own," he said, dropping a kiss to my shoulder, "I have you."

I blushed, setting my hands on the piano and ignoring Raph's lips on my skin to begin playing a lilting melody. Raph watched me.

"What's this?"

"M/G is playing around with different songs she can use for her audition to Juliard. I volunteered to help her practice," I explained, performing a crescendo, my hands flying over each other. "This one is from the Sound of Music."

"Sound of Music?"

"That's right, you're not as cultured when it comes to musicals, are you?"

Raph rolled his eyes. "And the song name?"

I smiled. "Sixteen Going On Seventeen."

"Can I hear a few lines?"

My grin widened, and I nodded, beginning to sing and trying to keep the laughter out of my voice.

"I am sixteen going on seventeen, innocent as a rose, Bachelor dandies, Drinkers of brandies, What do I know of those?"

Raph tried to suppress his chuckles, managing to keep a respectfully straight face as I continued.

" Totally unprepared am I, To face a world of men, Timid and shy and scared am I, Of things beyond my ken..."

"I definitely don't think you're singing about yourself here, Y/N," Raph interjected, making me giggle.

"I need someone older and wiser, Telling me what to do. You are seventeen going on eighteen, I'll depend on you."

I finished with a small triplet of sixteenth notes, breaking into laughter with my boyfriend.

"That...that was...something," he finally stated, chuckling. "I didn't take you for a girl depended so much on her boyfriend."

"Hey, not my choice for a song to sing," I defended, "and I don't think M/G will, either. She'll probably end up doing something from Frozen."

At that, Raph and I broke down into hilarity, until we were nearly falling off the seat.

"Nonetheless," he finally said, "it sounded great."

I smiled, pecking his lips. "Thanks, Raphie."

"Don't mention it. But don't try and sneak that song of yours past me. I still wanna hear it."

"Trust me, as soon as it's done, you'll be the first I show it to."

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