The One With The Wind Keeper

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"How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?"

She glanced up at him across the table, not daring to make eye contact for fear of turning a shade of hot beetroot pink.

"You know........... I don't............ don't have a problem........ with that" he stuttered from the other side of the table, his characters' voice cracking and breaking throughout the line which was helpful in covering up his desire to spontaneously combust on the spot.

Suddenly the room was filled with a huge burst of laughter from the rest of the cast plus the various writers and directors who were gathered for the first read through of this week's script. This was going to be hilarious on screen, but they already figured it would need a lot of takes to make it through without breaking!


Jen was making her way to her dressing room as she felt David's presence behind her, his hand sliding around her waist and easing her closer to him as she instinctively returned the gesture and rested her arm around the top of his hip. They separated briefly as they reached the door of her smallish dressing area and entered, quickly closing and locking the door behind them. His lips met hers almost immediately as her hands wound tightly behind his neck and pulled him into her. After a few moments they parted, her eyes sparkling with mischief and desire as she placed a finger on her pursed lips signaling him to be quiet, then pulled him over to the small couch in the corner of the room pushing him onto it. She knelt before him, her fingers deftly undoing his belt and sliding down his zipper before motioning him to lift his hips as she eagerly pulled on his jeans and slid them down over his hips along with his boxers. Before he could stop her, she had taken him in her mouth and was working her sweet magic on him; teasing, caressing and massaging with her hands, lips and tongue until he spilled uncontrollably over the edge.


"Ok, let's take it again from your lead in David......... and action"

"Excuse me, your wind?"

"Yes, my wind. How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?"

She tried to hold his gaze as the cameras rolled and the audience went wild, really she tried, but she could feel her cheeks flush as flashbacks flew through her mind. His hands in her hair, the intimate sounds he made as he spiralled close to the point of no return. She quickly held the book in front of her face as she erupted into giggles once more. She caught his gaze as he raised an eyebrow and subtly licked his lips. This was torture for both of them, but the best possible kind of torture! Did the writers know? Had everyone finally figured out what was going on between them and decided to have a little fun of their own? Was it possible someone had heard them? They tried to be careful but sometimes they just couldn't control themselves. The urges were too strong. They swore they would keep it professional, but their connection was too deep, too intense. It was bigger than both of them and no matter how hard they tried or how many times they agreed that it had to stop, it was not right, it was dangerous, it was unfair........ yet time and time again they found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, blurring the lines between friends and lovers; co-workers and partners; actors just playing a part and two people desperately wanting to allow their love affair to blossom into something long lasting and beautiful.

Their attraction for each other had been there since day one. Jen had been thrilled when she realised David Schwimmer, the sexy and amazing guy she had seen in that Chicago play some years back, was cast already in the show she was about to audition for. The thought of getting to work with someone as funny, creative and talented as him was an even bigger incentive to get this part than the hilarious and heart-warming ensemble script. She desperately wanted to be on this show and threw everything she had at the audition. Thankfully they saw enough in her to offer her the role despite her already being signed on for another series, and that first day of table reads was a memory she would hold dear for the rest of her life. She knew in her soul that this was the start of something special. These people felt like her people. There was an ease, an instant connection and camaraderie that she had never experienced in her professional life before. And of course, there was him. He was everything she remembered from that stage show and a whole lot more besides. He had an aura that screamed confidence, professionalism, brilliance and yet not even the tiniest shred of arrogance. He was charming, but not smarmy, kind and caring but never patronising. And boy was he delicious to look at! She could have sworn she felt a jolt of electricity through her body when he shook her hand that first morning. And those eyes! Wow, she could happily get lost in those for hours. Deep, brown mirrors that seemed to offer her a direct view into his soul.

She had been so happy when she'd seen the first few scripts and realised that their characters had some history, well at least from Ross's side, and she couldn't wait to see where that storyline was going to take them. She had also been a mixture of flattered and slightly embarrassed when she found out that the writers had noticed the instant level of chemistry between their Ross and Rachel actors and had decided to write that into their show rather than their original Monica and Joey idea. Was it really that obvious that she felt attracted to David though? If so, she was going to have to rein it in and be on her guard so no one thought she was entirely unprofessional. But how? She couldn't stop herself from looking at him every chance she got, he was already becoming like a drug to her. He was so funny, and charming and sexy and........ well everything she could ever wish for in a guy. She felt entirely comfortable and at ease around him and she was pretty sure she had seen signs that he had similar feelings towards her too. But she had to be professional. She didn't want to mess this up by allowing her feelings to get in the way of what could be the best job she had ever been offered.

They had filmed 4 episodes together when the producers had taken them to one side and offered them an all-expenses paid trip to Vegas. They had seen the live audience reaction to what was happening on stage, and they already felt this show was going to be huge. So, they decided to treat their six budding stars to one final trip before their anonymity was blown wide apart and their lives would change forever. Little did they know that they were setting two of their stars off together on a whole love trajectory of their own. 

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