The One With An Alternate Reality

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David gazed over at the woman sleeping in the pod next to him. He leaned across and brushed the hair away from her face and re-positioned the arm that had fallen off the seat rest for the umpteenth time as the stewardess walked by, handing out refreshments and smiling. "Are you travelling for work or pleasure today?" she asked in her bright, British accent.

"Oh, it's work, although I am sure there will time for a little pleasure too" he had replied, his mind instantly wandering back to the girl in seat E4 of this BA flight to London.

"Well, I hope you have a fabulous time together" the air hostess replied with a genuine smile, "you seem like a lovely couple." She had been watching them as the plane pushed back and taxied to the end of the runway ready for take-off, the girl obviously nervous and full of anxiety, and the guy calm, kind, caring and doing a great job of relaxing her with his gentle voice and witty humour as he held her arm and hand tightly.

Jen had finally woken up when they were only an hour or so from landing, which had been incredibly smooth and uneventful. They had found a car waiting outside the airport ready to whisk them off to their hotel for the week which was a beautiful, grand looking and imposing Edwardian building close to the city centre. They had been allocated adjoining rooms on one of the middle floors, which looked out over the hustle and bustle of the early evening London streets. The rooms were small in size compared to the vast American sized suites, but they were stylish and filled with period features that immediately captivated them both.

Jen heard a tap on her door as she was just finishing unpacking the last of her things into the compact wardrobe. David was stood grinning at her as she opened up and gestured him to come in.

"So what's the plan then?" he asked, sinking down onto the small double bed, "Shall we head out and have a quick explore and a bite to eat, or are you tired from the flight and fancy maybe just heading down to the hotel bar?"

"Well first, I want to jump in the shower and wash the flight off me" she replied, "I feel gross!"

"You don't look gross...... in fact you look pretty damn good to me!" David grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto the bed with him, his lips finding hers in an instant as her arms encircled his neck. After a few minutes of intense kissing, Jen pulled away.

"I am going in the shower......." she said, peeling off her t-shirt and cargo pants and making her way to the bathroom. She glanced suggestively over her shoulder, "....... care to join me?"

David didn't need to be asked twice! Within moments they were naked together under the steaming water, hands exploring and caressing each other's bodies with soapy bubbles. Lips entwined as the intensity grew along with their arousal. Jen's hands teasing and stroking David, his hands soaping her breasts as he placed kisses along her collarbone. He pushed her back against the wall of the shower and lifted her up, so her feet were off the floor and wrapped around his hips. He sunk himself deep inside her and rocked hard, both of them feeling the pleasure intensifying already. Her lips were biting at his skin as he thrust quicker and quicker, hands tight around his neck, her hips moving in time with his as she clung to him. It was intense and needy and building fast. David couldn't hold back any longer as he fell hard over the edge, Jen finding her release just moments later. He let her gently down to the floor again and cradled her tightly in his arms, both enjoying the erotic sensation of water pouring over their naked, post sex skin, as they shared a few more tender kisses.

Once they were dried and dressed, they had decided to head out to a pub for a few drinks and some food. It felt so good to be together, hand in hand, walking down the street as if they didn't have a care in the world. They had found a traditional old pub that was a good balance of vibrant but not overcrowded, and they had enjoyed a couple of hours talking, drinking and eating together before heading back to their hotel as the jet lag really kicked in. They had slept the whole night together in Jen's bed, delighting in the freedom of being anonymous once more.

The next day the promo for the show started and they spent the entire day doing interviews and photoshoots for various magazines, which they found both strange and oddly enjoyable without their fellow cast members around too. They were so at ease with each other and enjoyed getting up close and personal for some of the shots.

They had some free time in the afternoon before they were due to appear on an evening chat show, so they had taken the opportunity to wander around the Imperial War Museum which was as fascinating as it was traumatising and left both of them counting their blessings. This pattern had continued for the next few days, spending much of their time promoting the show and giving interviews on tv, radio and for the press, and making the most of the time in between to do touristy things together like taking a long walk along the River Thames at sunset; eating fish and chips in the park; wandering around Covent Garden, exploring the quaint little shops and enjoying the eclectic mix of music and dance that was being performed in the alleys; and even getting to watch The Mouse Trap in the West End. Although there was a lot of work, it also felt like a vacation and they felt like a real couple..... and they did not want it to end. Sadly though, like all good things, it had to stop sometime, and before they knew it, they had packed up and left their hotel rooms, David's bed remaining unslept in, and found themselves in a private lounge at the airport waiting to board a flight home.

"I'm really going to miss spending time with you like this" Jen had sighed as she sat leaned into David's shoulder in a secluded corner of the room, their hands entwined tightly. "I know it was only ever going to be for a week, but this has actually felt like we could be a real couple and I don't want to give it up. I don't know if I can."

"Sweetie, we really don't have a lot of choice. But I feel it too and trust me. There are so many times when I literally have to sit on my hands or bite my lip to stop me from touching you or kissing you. But nothing has changed and unless we want to come clean to everyone and take that risk, which we already agreed we don't, then we just have to wait it out." He turned to face her "but there are still a few weeks left until we are back on set and I'm sure we can find creative ways to spend time together, we'll just have to be careful that's all. And when we are back filming again, we can use Ross & Rachel as a smokescreen, especially since it sounds like they are going to finally get it together."

And they did find ways of being together when they got home. They watched several sunsets from the safety of one of their cars, parked up somewhere discrete. They managed to steal a large number of nights together, sneaking in under the cover of darkness and leaving early in the morning. It felt quite exciting and naughty, and they knew they were playing with fire, but it was better than the alternative, which was going months without seeing each other. That was something they couldn't do no matter how hard they tried.

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