The One With New Clothes and News

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Jen's eyes peeled open as David's alarm began to sound over on his side of the bed.

"Good morning gorgeous" he smiled as she turned her head to look at him, "sorry it's so early."

"Good morning to you too" she said, her eyes wearing a mixture of sleepiness and happiness at the same time. She raised her head from the pillow, and leaned in for a slow kiss. "How long before you have to leave?"

"About two hours" he replied, "I set my alarm early to allow time for..."

"For this..." she suggested, leaning in for another kiss.

"Actually for a shower and shave" he grinned, "but maybe we could combine a couple of them and I'll skip the shave?"

Jen didn't need to be asked twice and before too much longer they were getting hot and steamy with each other in a hot and steamy bathroom.

"Does it surprise you how much we still need and enjoy each other?" Jen asked as they sat drinking their morning coffee in the kitchen, David's small overnight bag packed and ready by the doorway.

"It kind of does, I'm not going to lie" he replied. "I mean I know we were pretty sexual back in the day but we were also a lot younger then, and some of that I always put down to the thrill of 'us' being somewhat unobtainable."

"Well maybe we're still just making up for lost time, or maybe the joy of getting a bit older is that we actually have the guts to say what we really want and need instead of worrying what the other person is thinking all the time." She giggled, "or maybe that's just me."

"No I think you could be right there" he laughed in agreement, "there is definitely a plus side to getting a little older and more mature, and slightly less insecure." He took a long drink of his coffee. "Are you coming to the airport or do you have other plans today, since this was a completely unannounced visit?"

"I am definitely coming to drop you off" she replied, "and then I might go shopping for your new LA wardrobe" she laughed, "so who knows what exciting new things you'll have to wear next time you're here in just a couple of weeks."

"Just one request, no Borat style mankini please" he said through a peel of laughter.

"No I wouldn't do that to you" she giggled, "besides, I don't think they make them big enough."

David blushed wildly as he shook his head, his mouth full of coffee which he struggled to swallow through choking back a retort. "That's definitely not true" he spluttered, his eyes bright with amusement.

"Oh honey believe me" she sniggered, "it's absolutely true." She drained the last of her coffee and picked up her cell. "TJ will be here in ten" she said, "I'm going to miss laughing and loving with you like this but I'm so happy you surprised me by being here and I already can't wait to see you again. And I'm sorry if that makes me needy and desperate, but if I am it's all your fault because this is what you do to me."

"Sweetie, I feel the same. Much as I am looking forward to seeing Cleo again, I am also already looking forward to being back here with you." He stopped to drink the last of his coffee, getting up to rinse his cup before setting it to drain on the side. "Listen, how would you feel if I brought Cleo over with me again sometime soon? She could stay at my parents' but I think it would be great if she could get to know you some more you know, for when the..."

"... time is right" Jen finished for him with a nod, "honey I think that's a great idea. In fact, when you bring her, I will make sure Jason and Amanda, and Jimmy and Molly come over too with their kids too, then she'll have some playmates... that's if you don't mind?" she suddenly asked, "or were you thinking more one on one time with her?"

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