The One With Soft Edges

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David was already seated in the dark, cosy, private bar area of the hotel when Jen was shown into the room.  She had changed her top and the pink satin number had been replaced by a stylish and elegant cream jumper, low cut with a delicate, open lace pattern across the shoulders and sleeves, and which was tucked into her high waisted black pants. She had also removed the high ponytail from her hair so it was now flowing freely around her shoulders, freshly brushed and bouncing with waves from all the pins.

"Sorry I had to stop and sort myself out. That top and hair were so damned uncomfortable, and I am done with being uncomfortable when I don't have to be...... especially around friends."  She sat herself down in a dark, soft leather armchair which was at a ninety-degree angle to the sofa where David had settled himself, his suit jacket draped over the back of the seat.

"Well, if we are getting comfortable then this thing is coming off too" he laughed, pulling at the tie around his neck and throwing it over the back of the couch alongside his jacket, before undoing his top shirt button and pushing back his sleeves.  "Have you ordered a drink already?" he asked, motioning to the waiter who was hovering outside the entrance.

"No, but I'd love a Margarita thanks."

"Still the same, no syrup, salty?"

"Haha, you remember well! Yes thanks"

David called the waiter over, ordering drinks for both of them, then settled back down into the seat, surveying the glorious woman who sat in front of him. She really was all woman now, not the girl he had fallen so hard for over twenty years ago. She looked good for it though. If possible, he actually thought she looked even better.  Her skin was glowing, her streaked, soft golden hair was stunning, and there was a radiance coming from within her that he hadn't seen before. Confidence, he thought. Confidence and finally some self-belief in her worth.

They made small talk for a couple of minutes until the waiter had returned with their drinks and then they finally had their privacy.

"Cheers!" Jen toasted as she took a sip of her drink and leaned back in her chair.

"Cheers!" he responded, taking a large sip of his wine. "God it's good to see you again, and I have to say, it's nice to be able to do it somewhere like this rather than having to sneak around in secret.

"Hey, I think we had most of our best times in secret, don't you?" she laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly at some of the memories that had suddenly sprung to the forefront of her mind.

"Well yeah that's true....... Look, before we start, I want to apologise again for that stupid joke earlier. In my head it was funny, but the second it had escaped my lips I realised it really wasn't. I'm sorry."

"Oh honey, don't worry about it honestly. I was just a bit taken aback that's all. I mean, we have never, ever spoken about 'us' and what we did with anyone, so to hear you make such a flippant comment in front of such a huge audience just surprised me that's all.  I'm pretty sure no one really thought anything of it anyway, and there's no point in stressing anyway since it's said now."

"Justin is a lucky guy, having someone as understanding and forgiving as you, you know. I hope he realises that."

"Huh, yeah, well as usual with me there's a big story there which I won't bore you with the details of, but let's just say he's not who I thought he was, and we won't be growing old and grey together."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I thought you guys were good. What happened?"

"Oh, the same old shit really. The long and short of it is he got caught out once too often and I'm done with playing games. I know I am no saint, but there's a line and I feel like he well and truly crossed it. It's not official yet, but he's moving out shortly and we are very definitely over." She picked up her drink and took another, larger sip. "I don't know, maybe I am just not destined to find a guy to settle down and be happy with forever, maybe that's just not what life has planned for me." She paused briefly before continuing, "but at least one of us got it right hey!"

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