The One With The Burst Bubble

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Jen felt incredibly uncomfortable walking across the Stage 24 parking lot this Monday morning and she didn't know why. No that's a lie, she knew exactly why but she didn't want to admit it to herself. The reason was the just shy of six feet tall, toned and tanned blonde bombshell hanging onto her arm. Brad was guest starring in this week's episode and she just couldn't shake the sensation in the pit of her stomach that something about it just didn't feel right. Sure, Brad had visited the set before and watched a couple of tapings, but for him to be here all week, sharing in the time and space that was her little escape bubble..... that thought really bothered her.

David was leaning on a prop box at the far end of the set as they walked in through the door. He pretended to be listening intently to what the stage hand was telling him, but in reality, his entire focus was on her..... and him. He was still reeling from the revelations Jen had made to him a couple of weeks earlier about her not being entirely happy with her marriage and her life, and although on the surface his role had been to offer a shoulder to cry on and some gentle advice, internally he was fuming with the guy. The man had bagged himself the best woman on the planet and yet somehow, he had managed to make her feel not good enough?! And now he had to spend almost an entire week watching him with her, invading their private little world and tarnishing their beautiful, alternate reality.

The first table read was a little clunky and stilted as the six friends found their way through the script. Brad was sat next to David, both of them feeling more than a little wary and cautious of each other, David for obvious reasons, and Brad because he had always wondered about the relationship between his wife and her co-star. They had such an electric chemistry and any time he had asked her about him, she had shut him down very quickly, just saying they had shared a lot of history through their characters and that she loved and adored him as a co-star and a close friend. He had never fully believed her though, and being here on set, in their world, it was so obvious to him that he was an absolute outsider and he felt completely and utterly unwelcome.

During a break in rehearsals Jen had sought David out, finally tracking him down in a far corner of the deserted canteen, where he had slunk off to in the hope of not being found. "So, this is where you are hiding. Are you ok? I imagine this must be a bit awkward for you, well at least I mean it's pretty awkward for me anyway."

"I can't say watching you and him together is my favourite sport" David replied with a heavy hint of sarcasm. "And if I am entirely honest, seeing you close up and personal with him makes me realise just what a bloody stranglehold you still have over my heart. Even now, when I am perfectly happy with Mili, you still have the power to stop me in my tracks and I wish that you didn't, but you do."

"If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way about you" she sighed, taking a seat next to him and resting her hand gently on top of his. "I don't think it's possible to share everything that we have shared and suddenly not feel anything towards each other. I know I certainly still think about all our promises and the what ifs....."

"Well, it's a good job we still have Ross and Rachel then huh...." David said quietly, his eyes locked with hers as they communicated silently with each other. Remembering all those times they had made plans for their perfect future, together....

"It is...." Jen breathed, not wanting to tear her eyes away and break the spell. Here she was, supposedly happily married to one of the greatest hunks in the world, and yet she couldn't help but feel her life had taken a wrong turning somewhere along the way and the course she was currently sailing was not the one she was destined for...... and a life with the man sat in front of her was.

The rest of the week went much easier for the two of them after their little chat, but Brad hated it. He felt like an interloper; an intruder; an unwanted guest at the dinner table. His scenes with Ross felt unconvincing and flat. And he couldn't help but watch and wonder at the interplay between Jen and David, their little secret codes and mannerisms that only they understood. They had something that he and Jen didn't. He couldn't put his finger on exactly what it was, but he didn't like it, and more than that, he felt threatened by it.... and him. And so it was during that week he made up his mind that he would do anything and everything he could to discourage Jen from signing up for any further series of Friends. He had to get her away from David at all costs because he had a very strong gut feeling that in a two-way battle against him for her heart, he would lose every single time.

A few more weeks whizzed by and season eight was already drawing closer to an end, but the six cast members had yet to finalise a deal for a ninth season. It was the hottest topic of conversation between them, caught between wanting to continue with what they all considered to be the best job in the world, but also a couple of them in particular wanting to see what else the big wide world of entertainment had to offer them. That couple were Jen, whose movie career was taking off at some pace, and David, who was beginning to accept that his heart lay more in the directing side of things than in front of the camera.

Today they had been blocking out some Ross and Rachel scenes together, laughing as Jen's pregnancy suit was starting to get bigger and more uncomfortable to wear. "God, I don't know how women do this for nine months" she joked, tearing off the weighted suit and casting it aside while they took a break. "Hey have you had any more thoughts about signing on for another season yet? I know we all have that big meeting next week, and I really want to do it, but I'm just not 100% sure if I should. Brad definitely doesn't think I should. He thinks I should focus on getting more movies and do more with the production company we've set up, but I think I have another season of Rachel in me....... and well, I just can't imagine not seeing you all....... especially you ...... every day."

"I'm a little on the fence if I'm honest. Much as this is great and I obviously love working with you all, I do not enjoy the celebrity stuff that comes with it. If I could do another ten seasons without that shit then I'd sign up in a heartbeat!"

"Honey, people aren't just going to forget your face overnight. I'm afraid that is something you're going to have to live with for a while."

"Life was just so much easier in so many ways when we were anonymous. I mean don't get me wrong, the fortune side of this job far outweighs the down sides, but I would love to be able to walk down the street without feeling so damned self-conscious about people noticing me. I swear the moment this show is over I am moving back to New York where it's easier to ghost around."

"Have you talked to Mili about that?" Jen asked, intrigued to know the answer.

"We have discussed it in passing yes..... she's not so keen though."

"Are you serious about her?  Do you think she might be the one?" Jen felt her cheeks flush a little as she asked the question, not sure it was something she could or should be doing.

"I hope so. I like her a lot. At least, she is the first person, besides you, that I could actually imagine a future with."

Jen grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. "I really am so happy for you" she said, although the knot in her stomach didn't feel a lot like happiness.

"Thank you" he smiled. "Listen, about this ninth season..... I absolutely do not intend to be someone else telling you what you should and shouldn't do with your life, but please promise me that you'll listen to your gut and your heart and make the decision you want to make, and not the one that someone else is telling you that you should make."

"He's not forcing me you know, he's not that guy honestly. I know you're not a fan but he wouldn't do that....."

"Just follow your heart ok..... that's all I'm saying. Your life, your rules remember. That's one of the first things that made me fall in love with you. You were so sure of what you wanted and not at all afraid of going after it, in the sweetest and most endearing way."

"Are you going to sign on for another year?" Jen asked.

"I will if you will....." he grinned in reply.

"And I will if you will" she winked back at him.

"Then it looks like we have ourselves a deal" he smiled, a wide, beaming smile that filled his face as Jen pulled him in for a giant hug, leaning her head on his shoulder and feeling completely at home and one hundred percentage confident in her decision.

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