The One Where Jen And David.... You Know

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"...... so just relax and enjoy."

Jen continued to trail her lips down his neck, kissing and nibbling, her hand still rubbing circles on his thigh, moving higher and higher as she felt the effects of her actions growing quickly beneath her fingertips.

"You're driving me wild already" he whispered, his eyes partially closed, barely able to believe how she had turned him on so much and so quickly and yet she had barely touched him.

"I know...." she breathed in reply, "..... do you want me to stop?"

"Oh God no, don't stop.... please don't stop."

Within seconds her lips found their way back to his with more urgency now. They crashed together, open mouthed and full of intent, David's tongue venturing first into Jen's mouth where it was welcomed with passion. Their hands which had been entwined were suddenly free to roam, David's fingers sneaking beneath the rear waistband of her jeans as she leaned heavily into him, pushing them both down onto the sofa in a semi-reclined position. As his other arm snaked around her back, pulling her tighter into him, she twisted her body slightly so that she was lay half on top of his chest, the hand that had been caressing his thigh so erotically, now feeling its way under his t-shirt as her hips took over the role of entertaining his groin. Her other hand had made its way up to the back of his neck where her fingers were tugging lightly at his hair as their kisses deepened and slowed, neither of them wanting to rush this no matter how overwhelming their needs were.

Jen withdrew her hand from under David's shirt, where she had been enjoying the feeling of the soft chest hair beneath her playful touch. She tore her lips away from his and gazed with intent into his eyes which were alive with desire. She hooked her fingers beneath the belt of his jeans and he shifted in his seat, fully expecting and hoping that she was about to release him from the denim cage he was becoming more and more uncomfortably trapped in. However, instead of undoing the buckle, she suddenly stood, pulling him to his feet too, her fingers still firmly wrapped around the dark leather as she walked backwards, guiding him along like an animal on a leash, her eyes never once leaving his as she delighted in the complete trust he had in her. She leaned in for several brief but intense kisses before they finally arrived in her palatial bedroom, her fingers never once loosening their grip on his belt until she finally allowed him to fall backwards onto her soft, welcoming bed. He attempted to pull her down on top of him but she stopped him. "No" she breathed, "not yet" as she slowly and deliberately lifted her top over her head, revealing her pert breasts which were being contained by a delicate black lace bra. Next she slowly undid her own belt, before sliding her jeans to her ankles and kicking them into a corner of the room.

As she stood before him in just her minimal black underwear, David felt himself twitch in anticipation. After all these years her body was still as gorgeous and toned and sexy as it ever had been, in fact he thought she looked even better as there was an air of confidence that radiated from deep within; confidence in her body and confidence in her sexual prowess. Gone was the slightly shy, giggly girl he had fallen in love with all those years ago. She had been replaced by a more mature, capable and goddess like woman and he was completely captivated.

She stood in front of him for just a second longer, enjoying the adoration in his eyes as they roamed her body. She knew she was in good shape, she worked damned hard to maintain her figure, but seeing his reaction to her toned curves gave her a thrill she was not expecting. After allowing him to admire from afar for a few moments more, she leaned down over where he was propped up on his elbows on her bed and met his lips in a delicate, teasing kiss, before lifting up his t-shirt and pulling it off over his head. She knelt down, straddling him on the well cushioned mattress, acutely aware just how much he was enjoying this already from the pressure pushing firmly against her inner thigh. She bent her head towards him, deliberately allowing her free flowing hair to brush over his chest as she placed a long, slow and deeply intense kiss on his lips, her hands linking tightly with his as she pushed his arms high above his head, her breasts pushing against him as she took full control of his body. She could tell he was desperate to touch her from the urgency in his writhing and the low moans from his throat as his tongue battled with hers, his hips rising from the bed to greet her. He pulled his lips away, his breathing erratic as his eyes met hers in an intense, lustful gaze.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing to me? God Jen, I want you so much" he half breathed, half moaned, as he freed his hands from her grip and planted them firmly on her butt, intensifying the connection between them which made him groan even louder.

She was instantly even more aroused by the erotic tone of his voice. She sat herself up and her fingers immediately found their way to his belt buckle, quickly unthreading it, opening the button and sliding down the zipper on his jeans. David lifted his hips from the bed as she wriggled him free from everything that had been constraining him so tightly. As she allowed her eyes to move from admiring his muscular shoulders down over his strong chest to his groin area, she couldn't help but swallow hard as she saw exactly how much he had been enjoying her attention. Suddenly feeling overdressed, she reached behind her back and snapped open her bra, removing it in one smooth, well practiced movement. She was about to get rid of the one final barrier left between them when David grabbed her hand.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

Jen smiled one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen, placing her hand on his heart as she replied with absolute sincerity, "more sure than I have ever been in my entire life" she sighed happily, as she dipped her head and his lips welcomed hers in a softer, more tender embrace. It was a kiss so filled with love that it almost took her breath away and she had to pull back for a second to regain her composure.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing...... absolutely nothing" she replied quietly, with a slight shake of her head "I just can't believe this is happening..."

David pulled back the covers and rolled them both together, so that they lay side by side on the bed, legs entangled, their faces merely inches apart in the plush pillows. He placed his hand tenderly on her cheek as he looked so deeply into her eyes that he felt her soul staring back at him. "I can't believe it either.... but I'm so glad it is.." he replied. They lay together in silence, hands gently caressing each other's bodies as they reveled in the intensity of the connection they both felt right to their very core. After a couple of minutes respite there was a surge in desire once more as David's hands wandered down to the base of Jen's spine and gently pushed her free from her underwear. Their lips met, open mouthed and incredibly sensual as their heart rates increased in tempo and their breathing became more erratic and noisy. Their hands were suddenly everywhere, neither wanting to leave any part of the other untouched, nerve endings on fire as the blood coursed through their veins, every movement bringing them a little closer to the edge. Lips now followed fingers, exploring and roaming, nibbling and teasing. David gasped loudly as Jen finally took him in her hand, grasping him with just the right amount of firmness as she squeezed and massaged his full length, cupping and releasing as she did so. He was so close to losing it and he wasn't ready for that to happen just yet, so he pushed her over onto her back, pulling her hand away so she couldn't torture him with pleasure any longer.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, he dipped his head down to her breasts, enjoying her nipples for the first time in years, beyond happy that they still reacted so instinctively to his touch. As his lips enjoyed one side, his hand was firmly around her other, pulling and pressing at the malleable flesh. Jen's hands roamed freely over his back and down below the base of his spine, pushing him into her as her hips writhed against his. As David's lips travelled down her stomach and continued to dip below her waist, she was powerless to stop the deep moan which escaped from her throat. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this alive as his tongue danced in all the right places, leaving her breathless and almost out of control. As she felt a familiar surge growing deep inside, she grabbed his hair and pulled him up to her lips that were waiting impatiently for his attention. "I need you.... I can't wait any longer" she breathed as she tore her mouth away for just a few seconds, "please........ I need you..."

David didn't need to be asked twice. He reached down between them and carefully positioned himself right at her centre. With one smooth movement they became one for the first time in long time. He took a moment to steady himself as the feeling of euphoria at being surrounded by her threatened to overwhelm him already. Once he felt he'd regained a little control, he began to slowly move himself, her hips instantly recognising his pattern and joining in the erotic dance. They tried to hold back and elongate the pleasure, but it was just too intense, too strong and too enticing. They had desperately wanted and needed this for so long, and now they were both completely lost in the moment, suddenly drowning in a sea of satisfaction as the powerful, all consuming waves of pleasure crashed over them both at almost exactly the same moment.

They collapsed, sticky and breathless into each others arms. No words were needed, they could feel exactly what the other was thinking. They were home. Together. Entangled. United. And they were exactly where they were destined to be.

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