The One With A Green Dress and a Red Dress

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Once Jen had calmed down and got over her momentary strop, they had actually had a lot of fun with the Princess Leia week.  David had pulled her into his dressing room the moment they were released from set, locking the door this time, and wrapped his arms tightly around her, explaining that he didn't want things to change, he just wanted to make sure they didn't become too complacent.  Jen had agreed with him and apologised for letting her frustration get the better of her, before sinking into a deep make out session that made both of them feel much less tense.

Yesterday she'd had her final fitting for the figure hugging, pale green dress that was going to wow Ross, and hopefully David too, in this weeks' episode about no one being ready.  He had decided that he didn't want to see her in it until the reveal in filming so that his reaction would be completely genuine and she couldn't wait to see his face.  She wasn't vain enough to think she was particularly sexy or especially attractive, but there was something about this dress that made her feel just that little bit more alluring, especially as the underwear she had on was practically non-existent.

It had had the desired effect.  She couldn't tell if it was Ross gasping at Rachel, or him gasping at her, but the look in his eyes was priceless as she glided across the room and into his arms kissing him then leading him seductively out of the room, announcing that she, like Joey, was going commando. As soon as filming was completed and bows had been taken, David found himself in Jen's dressing room where it was revealed that she was taking her work very seriously indeed and was totally and utterly in sync with her character......

"I wish I could get dressed up like this and go out with you for real" Jen sighed into David's neck as he placed a trail of kisses along her collarbone, "Is it wrong that I am actually jealous of Rachel?"

"I was just thinking the exact same thing" David said softly, removing his lips from her skin and looking into her eyes. "If I could, I would be whisking you away somewhere special right now, delighting in staring at you all night knowing that every pair of eyes in the room were on you, but that I was the luckiest guy in the world that actually got to be with you."

Jen felt tears start to prick her eyes as she gazed at him.  "Is there nowhere we could go, just once?  Just one proper date, one meal, one night where we could just forget the rules and pretend we were a regular couple?"

"Maybe" he replied, "I would love to make that happen, even if it was just one time.  Let me work on it ok?"

"Ok" she smiled, her eyes sparkling more than he had seen them for a long time, "thank you" she added, "thank you for not just saying no.  I know it's risky and I know it might not be possible, but just the thought of going on a proper, real date with you has made my heart smile."

It took almost three weeks for David to figure out a plan, but figure it out he did.  "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8pm, but make sure you're ready on time ok" he said to her as they were leaving work in the early hours of Saturday morning having just finished up taping the show.

And so, at 7.55pm the next evening, David pulled up outside Jen's home and was delighted to see her ready and waiting in the doorway for him.  She looked absolutely sensational in a red, sleeveless, figure-hugging dress and black strappy heels, her skin tan and her hair framing her face with its multiple straightened layers; a black pashmina draped around her shoulders was the finishing touch to the outfit, oh and of course, not forgetting the coffee bean pendant which was almost permanently around her neck.

"You look absolutely incredible" he said as she opened the door and slipped into the seat next to him, "just..... wow!"

"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself" Jen replied with a wide smile as she cast her eyes over his smart black jacket, crisp white t-shirt and black jeans.  "So where are we going?"

"You'll soon find out" he teased as they made their way down the winding hill towards the city lights.  After driving for around 25 minutes, David pulled up in a deserted parking and loading bay at the back of what looked like it might be a row of shops.  He noticed the look of confusion on Jen's face as he got out of the car and moved around to her side, opening her door and motioning her to follow him. "Trust me" he said as he took her hand and led her over to a slightly scruffy, windowless metal door.  He tapped on it a couple of times and within moments it was opened by a smartly dressed man with dark, slicked back hair, dark eyes and olive skin. 

"Mister David, Miss Jennifer, welcome... please, follow me" he said in a heavy Italian accent, as he lead them through a busy industrial kitchen, into a series of narrow corridors and doorways until they arrived at another metal door.  Their guide opened it and gestured them to go ahead of him.  Jen gasped as they stepped out onto a stunning outdoor terrace, small but perfectly formed and filled with glimmering warm white lights, arched trellises draped with greenery, soft violin music playing in the background, a fire pit in the corner that was glowing and dancing, and in the very centre, a small round table and two chairs, lit by candlelight and awaiting its very special guests.

"Thank you, Ernesto, this is fabulous" David said to their host.

"It is my absolute pleasure sir.... I will return shortly with your menu and your wine."

"This is just..... just....." Jen was struggling for words as she turned to face David, "... thank you" she almost whispered, "thank you so much.... this is just perfect." She leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on his lips before he guided her over to the table, pulled out a chair and gestured her to sit down.

"I know it's not exactly a vibrant, bustling restaurant, but I hoped you would like it" he smiled, taking her hand in his and interlocking their fingers on the table top.

"How..... I mean how did you arrange all this?" Jen asked, her voice still slightly emotional as she gazed around, drinking in the beauty of the setting and the man sat beside her.

"I've been coming here for years, it's one of my favourite restaurants, and Ernesto, the manager has become somewhat of a friend, so I figured I could safely ask him to pull some strings for me.... and here we are."

Ernesto returned a few moments later carrying a bottle of Champagne from which he filled both their glasses, then placed into an ice bucket situated alongside the table; and two menus, where after careful consideration, they both ordered pasta dishes, David the Cacio e Pepe and Jen the Carbonara. As he disappeared back into the kitchen, Jen leaned in and placed a deep kiss on David's lips, wrapping her arms around his neck, before pulling away and resting her head onto his shoulder, knowing there was no place in the world she would rather be right now.

The evening carried on in the same very special way; they ate the delicious food, they drank a little Champagne, they shared ice cream for dessert.  They talked, they planned and they laughed.  Then they laughed some more, and then some more.  They were so at ease with each other and it seemed no subject was off the table.  They could be talking about cheese one moment, heavy politics the next and before they knew it, they were discussing their favourite breeds of dog. It was so easy and it felt so right.  They loved each other on so many levels. Yes of course there was a huge amount of sexual chemistry between them, but their connection and love went so much deeper than that.  They truly believed they had found their forever soulmate in each other... they just had to get through this secrecy phase first.

The evening was over far too quickly and, having thanked Ernesto and his staff generously for their discretion, they found themselves back in the car heading for David's home, which was their preferred place to overnight as it was much less overlooked than Jen's whose girlfriends all lived within spitting distance making it much more likely they might be seen together.

"I have loved seeing you in that dress" David murmured into Jen's neck barely seconds after they had walked through his front door, "but now I'd really love to get you out of it."  He grabbed her by the hand and lead her up the stairs to his bedroom where he pulled her into his arms for a deep, passionate kiss, his hands roaming her body as the intensity grew.

Jen pulled her lips away, looking suggestively into his eyes, as he watched mischief dancing happily across her face.  "Take it off then" she commanded, turning around so that the zipper was facing him.  As he slowly pulled it down, she heard his gasp as he realised that she too had been going commando all evening.

"God, just when I thought I couldn't love you more" he grinned, pulling her down onto the bed with him, where they stayed happily all night, tangled together in their own little world.

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