The One With The Dream

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"Mmmmmm" Jen murmured and smiled in her sleep, as she shifted position slightly. She was dreaming that she was lay on a beach, the bright sun beaming down over her body making her feel warm and relaxed and at peace. She could feel the sea lapping at her toes and a hint of breeze which kept whispering across her cheek. The breeze started to pick up a little, brushing her skin with more energy as the waves also got more insistent, tickling and wetting her feet. She could swear the wind was speaking her name, gently over and over again...... 'Jen...... Jen........ Jen it's time to wake up......' She squinted one eye open and was met with a burst of bright sunlight streaming through the already opened blinds.... or were they never closed? She couldn't quite remember.

"Good morning sleepyhead" said a soft voice into her cheek, so close that she could feel the breath fall from his lips as he spoke.

She turned her face towards the almost hypnotic sound, still rubbing sleep from her eyes as they fought to focus through the blinding light. As things finally started to become clearer, she fell deep into a pool of brown chocolate gazing back at her lovingly. She reached out her hand, still not entirely sure if this was part of her dream. Her fingers met with warm, stubble laden skin that felt far too real not to be real. A slow smile spread across her lips, lips that were suddenly but gently connected with his as he leaned in and placed a tender kiss on them. He pulled away almost as soon as he had started and instinctively, she dragged him back in for more, almost certain now that this wasn't a dream but needing to prolong it just in case. The hand running through her hair and lightly brushing it away from her face as the kiss ended was all the proof she needed. This was real. He was real. And if she had any lingering doubts at all, they were abruptly and boisterously ended as the large white dog who had been licking at her toes, hurled himself onto the bed, bouncing all over the two of them, his tail wagging vigorously in David's face as Jen greeted him warmly.

"How did you get in here?" she asked of the dog. "Have you been roaming free all night?" She pushed herself up onto her elbows, now fully awake, and looked over at the man who was sprawled on top of the duvet next to her. He was wearing fresh boxers and a clean white t-shirt. "What did you do to me last night? I never sleep like this.... in fact, I don't even remember falling asleep....... oh crap, what time is it?"

"Hey, it's ok, you have time. I let you sleep sure, but I wouldn't let you be late." He caught her raised eyebrow, "ok, I wouldn't let you be more than your usual amount of late" he added with a laugh. "You fell asleep on me last night and I didn't have the heart to wake you. I wasn't too sure what happened with the dogs but I found their beds in that back room so I figured that was probably where they slept, and they seemed happy enough to follow me in there. I couldn't figure out your light system though so some of them stayed on all night I'm afraid. And then when you slept through both mine and your alarms this morning, I figured you needed to have just a little more rest. So, I let the dogs out in the yard to do their business, and then I gave them some of that food that I've seen you give them when we've been chatting, apologies if I got it wrong.  There's coffee in the pot too, I wasn't sure whether to bring it in here or not...." he stopped speaking as he noticed her eyes were filled with tears, "oh no, sorry, have I messed everything up?"

Jen reached out and took one of his hands firmly in hers, squeezing it tightly. "Oh honey, no not at all, completely the opposite... I just....... I can't believe......." She was obviously choked as she tried to find the right words, and when no words came, she leaned in and kissed him tenderly instead, leaning her forehead against his briefly as they shared a quiet moment together. "Thank you" she breathed, "thank you for everything."

"No thank you" he replied softly, "last night was just..... it was incredible. You are incredible." He allowed himself to get lost in her eyes for a few seconds before forcing himself out of his trance. "Listen, much as I would love to stay here with you like this all day, we do actually have to be at the studio in a little under two hours. I figured you'd want to shower when you woke, so I hope you don't mind but I've already been in.... sorry, it seems like I've made myself very much at home, I hope you're not offended."

Jen laughed loudly, "I'm totally offended...... but only that you didn't wake me so I could join you in there..."

"We'll just have to save that for another day" he fired back at her, before pausing for a second, "of course, if you wanted to that is, I don't want to make any assumptions here."

Jen still had hold of David's hand and she used it to pull him closer into her, wrapping her other arm tightly around his neck, "Oh feel free to assume....." she grinned, before realising that his face had turned slightly more serious. "What is it?"

"Do we need to talk about this? I mean whatever this is, feels like something that requires a bit of discussion at least don't you think?"

Jen's arms were still wrapped firmly behind his head as she answered without hesitation. "I'm not going to run away from you again if that's what you're worried about."

"No, it's not that it's just...."

"I know, you're right. It does need a discussion. But can we park it? Can we enjoy today first and then talk later? I'm hoping everyone will come back here after the show so if you wanted to stick around after they all leave maybe we could chat then? Only if you don't have other plans of course...."

"No, I don't have plans. I purposely didn't make any you know.... just in case. Cleo is staying with my parents so I'm free."

"Oh God, I forgot all about meeting Cleo today. Oh fuck, what if she hates me?"

David placed both his hands on her cheeks as he leaned in and placed his lips against hers briefly. "She could not and will not hate you. She will adore you, just like I do. You're already her favourite from the show and meeting you is right at the top of her bucket list. She's been beyond excited for weeks." He kissed her tenderly once again. "She will love you."  He checked his watch, "Right, we have to be leaving in around an hour so come on, out of bed with you..." 

Jen giggled loudly as the covers were ripped from her body, leaving her naked and exposed. She knelt suddenly and grabbed David by the t-shirt before he had chance to move away. She dragged him back down onto the bed with her, planting a seductive kiss on his lips, one which he returned with relish for a few seconds before tearing himself away.

"Hey you, stop that... we definitely don't have time..."

"Not even if I treat you as my work out?"

David laughed loudly, "No! Sadly not... but..." he grabbed her hand and kissed it gently, "... but later?"

She pulled him in for another short kiss, "is that a promise?"

"You bet...... it is most definitely a promise."

Within forty minutes, Jen was showered, dressed and ready to leave. David had even made her a protein shake for the road, under strict instructions of what to put in it of course, having already served her a coffee as she blow dried her hair.

"Listen, I was just thinking. Should I call for a car to take me to the studios? I mean, I know we don't have anything to be ashamed of and I certainly don't feel the need to hide anything, but if we are seen arriving together.... well, I just don't want to spend the whole day answering questions about why that's all."

"Honey, I am so done with pretending and over thinking and second guessing what anyone else might think. It's no one else's business as far as I'm concerned. Let people talk, let people ask. We are in control of things now ok, just you and I. So, unless it's Cleo you're concerned about, in which case then yes, I completely agree with you, but as far as anyone else goes, I don't really care anymore. We can always just say I picked you up from your hotel to save any questions."

"Ok, well in that case, can I have a ride?"

Jen raised her eyebrow, "any time you like....." she grinned suggestively, as David playfully tapped her on the back of her hip and span her around into his arms. He leaned in to plant a quick kiss on her lips but it turned into an open mouthed, deep, long and intense session, neither of them wanting it to end but knowing that they had to leave otherwise they would be even more than Jen's usual twenty minutes late.

"Mmmmmm I'm going to have to watch myself around you today" he breathed, "because it will be all too easy to grab you and do that again."

Jen's eyes sparkled brightly as she smiled at him, her fingers running over her lips which were still wet from his touch, "yes, it really will be just like old times again, having to fight every instinct not to give too much away." She planted one last firm kiss on his lips before picking up her things. "Come on Schwimmer, game face on, let's go and tell the world about our 'crush'."

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