The One With The Vegas Trip - Part Two

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By the time everyone had woken up and got themselves ready for the day, breakfast service at the hotel was long over. They six of them had met up in the lobby and decided to go for an explore along Fremont Street where they had an early lunch in a fabulous deli, after which the girls headed off to do a bit of shopping whilst the guys hit the slots again for a while, before meeting back up late afternoon at The Venetian where they thought it would be fun to take a ride on the famous gondolas.

There were two boats waiting at the launch jetty as the group of friends arrived, one seating 4 and one two. They somehow naturally split into their 4 'pairs' again, the two Matts getting into one of the vessels along with Courteney and Lisa, leaving David and Jen to embark onto the other. He had hopped aboard first, turning to grab her hand and help her on without taking a dive into the 'canal'. As the guide pushed off and they set out on their journey, they could see the other four already some way ahead of them. A semi comfortable silence fell over the two cast-mates as they meandered their way through the sights, both thinking about the moments they had shared last night and curious to what the other one was thinking.

"Isn't this just beautiful" Jen spoke first, casting her eyes over both their surroundings and her sailing partner, chastising herself as he caught her gaze and she felt her cheeks blush slightly.

"It really is" he replied before shifting in his seat slightly to turn and face her more directly, "listen, I'm sorry if I did or said anything inappropriate last night. I'd had a few too many and I shouldn't really have been dancing with you like that."

"Hey, last night was great!" Jen interjected. "You have absolutely nothing to apologise for at all, though it shows just what a good guy you are for even thinking that you may need to say something. But honestly, I haven't had so much fun in a long time. I'm just sad it ended so soon!" She suddenly stopped herself talking, panicking she was sending out the wrong message herself.

"That's ok then" he replied, relaxing back into his seat a little causing the boat to sway and Jen to grab onto his arm for stability, him instinctively reaching out for her too, placing his hand on top of hers and holding it in that position as they continued on their journey.

"I bet you'd rather be on this trip with your boyfriend?"

"My boyfr........ ah I see what you did there! Nice move! No, I split up with someone a few months ago so no boyfriend for me right now." She grinned as she caught the sheepish look on his face. "What about you? Girlfriend?"

"No, I'm single at the moment" he replied, a twinkle in his eyes, the pressure on her hand increasing slightly as they ducked under a bridge. "Maybe........... maybe I could take you out sometime?"

"Is that you or Ross speaking?"

"Oh it's definitely me, unless you say no then it's one hundred percent Ross!"

"Then I'd really like that. And this is me speaking, not Rachel."

Their eyes locked into one another for a few seconds longer than is socially acceptable for friends, before their Gondolier announced they were almost at the end of their ride and they spotted the other 4 clambering out of their boat a short distance ahead.

"Perhaps we could take a walk together later, watch the sunset and see the fountains or something?" suggested Jen.

"That sounds perfect to me" came his reply, a shy smile on his lips and an extra sparkle in his eyes. "Wait though, what would we tell the others? I don't want anyone gossiping or thinking bad of us taking off alone. I'd hate to be thought of as unprofessional."

"Yes you're right, maybe we should all stick together. It would perhaps be a little unprofessional to take off just the two of us."

"It was a lovely idea though" he replied with a hint of sadness, "I know I would have enjoyed that."

"Me too.........." she smiled warmly, her eyes lighting up as she looked at him, "me too."

After disembarking from their boat and meeting back up with the others, the rest of their day was spent eating, drinking and doing plenty of the other touristy things one has to do when in Vegas. Around midnight the whole group decided to head to the famous Bellagio fountains where they watched in awe as the music soared and the water gushed along in time, shooting patterns high into the air and mesmerising the gathered crowds. David couldn't resist wrapping his arms around Jen as they enjoyed the spectacle that was playing out in front of their eyes, her leaning into him and resting the back of her head lightly against his shoulder. Somehow, despite being stood in the middle of a large crowd, it suddenly seemed like they were the only ones in the world. They stayed like that for what seemed like an age, enjoying the performance and companionship until the music diminished and the last of the dancing water dwindled away.

"You coming guys?"

They were jolted back to life by the calls of their companions, corralling them along to another bar, another round of drinks and another dance floor.

Before they knew it the darkness of the night had begun to be infiltrated with the tiniest hint of daylight as they meandered along the strip back towards their hotel. All six of them were walking a fine line between a little more than tipsy and blind drunk, their laughter loud and shrill as they joked, jostled and teased each other the way that friends do. By the time they arrived back at their hotel, the sky was beginning to turn a pale shade of orange. After leaving the others safely at their hotel room doors, Jen had grabbed David by the hand and run along the corridor, past their rooms and into an elevator.

"Where are you taking me?" he grinned, slightly drunk and totally intrigued.

"You'll see" came the reply as the door closed and she chose her required destination.

Within moments they found themselves standing on the top floor of the high-rise hotel building, surrounded by glass walls looking out over every part of the city. The sky was glowing shades of orange, red and yellow as the sun started to peek over the distant horizon.

"We didn't get to go on a sunset walk, so I figured maybe we could see the sunrise together instead." She peered up at him. "I hope this is ok?"

"This is more than ok."

David pulled her into his arms and they stood together in comfortable silence for a few moments, drinking in the beauty of the view and enjoying the close contact with each other.

"How drunk are you?" he asked quietly, speaking into her hair as her head rested against his chest.

"A little happy, not drunk" she replied. She waited a short beat before adding "How drunk are you?"

"Not drunk enough to not know what I'm doing....... but probably drunk enough to do something I want to but really shouldn't......."

"What do you want to do?" she said breathily, raising her eyes and looking him squarely in the face.

"I really want to kiss you."

"Then kiss me. It would be such a bummer if the first time you and I got to kiss was on national television......"

They both leaned in at the same time, their lips meeting hesitantly, unsure if this was the right thing to do, but both of them feeling so drawn to the other that they couldn't resist giving in to the temptation.

It's said that you can tell a lot from a first kiss and theirs was special. The initial hesitation was almost immediately replaced with a level of intimacy and intuitive connection that many couples never reach. Their lips gently exploring and caressing, deep and sensual, their tongues entwined and delighting in the first taste of each other. It was new and exciting but entirely comfortable too. Jen's hands were cupping each side of David's face as his hands rested above her hips, his fingertips gently circling the small of her back causing a shivery sensation to run up and down her spine. Her fingers moved to the back of his neck, drawing his body closer to her as the kiss intensified. Their lips moving together was all that could be heard in the stillness of the early morning, a sound that was entirely sensual and erotic.

The sun was fully over the horizon by the time their lips finally drew apart. They stood in silence, wrapped in each other's arms, neither wanting to break the magic of the moment as they watched the sky transform from reds and oranges to pale yellow and blue, each taking sneaky glances at each other and wondering what happens next.

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