The One Where Secrets Come To The Surface

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9.37am. That's what time the clock in front of her read as Jen lifted her cheek from the pillow, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She felt movement beside her and heard a voice gently murmur into her ear, "Good morning sleepyhead" as an arm snaked around her naked waist and a pair of lips began to nibble and wander up and down her neck.

She turned to lay on her back, smiling instantly as her eyes met a pair of smouldering brown ones staring closely back at her, his lips pursed and ready from the trail they had already been winding over her soft skin. She didn't need more of an invitation, raising her arm to wrap around his neck and pulling him down to meet her without a second's hesitation.

"Mmmmm good morning" she sighed happily as they broke apart after several minutes of leisurely intimacy, "I can't think of a better way to start the day than this. And I don't know how you do it, but somehow you always make me sleep better and longer than I ever usually do."

"You can't even give your usual excuse of me wearing you out" he teased.

"No, I know, I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise..." she replied, moving her lips closer towards his again.

David stopped her, pulling his head back, the change in the mood on his face obvious. "Hey, don't ever feel the need to apologise for not having sex. I was only joking. I'm not here for that you know. That's just an added bonus. I'm here because I love you and I want to be with you. But please, please don't ever feel pressured in that way, or if you ever do then you have to tell me. I would be mortified to think that you feel you have to perform for me like that. It's not who I am. And hopefully we are more than that too. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love making love to you, but if you took it off the table completely then I would still want to be with you, ok?"

Jen withdrew her arm from around his neck and stared at him, her fingers pressed flat against her lips and her eyes wide open. "How do you still have the power to shock and surprise me after all these years Schwimmer?" she said, shaking her head in a mixture of disbelief and awe. "Firstly, I wouldn't consider for one moment you would pressure me that way. I think after all these years I know you better than that. You have too much respect and too much goodness running through your veins to even contemplate doing such a thing, in fact the exact opposite is true." She paused for a moment, taking one of his hands and locking it into hers as she looked directly into his eyes. "And secondly, much as I appreciate your sentiment and care, can I please just say, in the words of a very good friend of mine, 'it's never off the table', okay? I love you and I want you, and I want to love you and I want to please you, and selfishly or not, I want you to love me too. Make love to me, have sex with me, fuck me... whatever you want to call it. It's taken long enough to get you back into my bed and we've got a lot of wasted years to make up for. And on that note..." she cast him a seductive smile as her lips moved forward to meet with his. And this kiss was not lazy or leisurely. This was a kiss that was laden with intent. And as her fingers freed themselves from his grip and began an intimate examination of his naked body, she was thrilled to feel his excitement levels immediately rising to her challenge.

10.53am was the time when they finally peeled themselves out of bed, briefly stopping off in the bathroom to freshen up before heading to the kitchen for some very much needed coffee. "Good morning my gorgeous babies! I know... I know! I'm sorry, yes, yes I will feed you straight away. Mommy slept in so late today..."

"Don't you believe her, your mommy's been doing lots of other things besides just sleeping" grinned David as he played happily with Sophie and Clyde, Chesterfield too busy running circles around the large open space having been finally freed from their overnight doggy room.

"Oh right, well if we're telling secrets then your daddy was guilty of playing those saucy little games too" she said with a loud giggle as she felt David's arms wrap around her body which was clothed only in his white t-shirt, him dressed in just his boxer shorts as he pressed himself tightly against her back, bending down and kissing the side of her neck.

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