The One With The Flying Visit

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"Oh God, I hate the landing almost as much as the take off" Jen complained loudly as she gripped onto David's hand as if her life depended on it. "You'd think after all these years of flying I'd get used to it, but it's been over a year since I've flown now and I think I'm as nervous as I ever was."

"Just close your eyes and count to one hundred and by the time you're done we'll be landed safely" Cleo said, "that's what my mom always used to tell me."

"In that case I'm going to give it a try.... one, two, three...." By the time Jen reached 67 the wheels were on the tarmac and her flying ordeal was over for a few days. "Phew" she sighed loudly, "thanks Cleo, that was awesome advice. I think I need to hire you as my assistant."

"Oh wow, really? I'd love that. Best job ever!"

"Well, no actually, I wouldn't hire you as my assistant because you young lady are destined for much bigger and better things than that. You need to be your own star. But you do have excellent ideas and thank you for that one. I'll use it when I fly home alone."

David pulled out his phone. "Okay the car should be here in two minutes. You ready to hit the streets of New York for the first time in a while?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be" said Jen, pulling on her mask as David and Cleo did the same.

It took about forty five minutes to get to David's house and as they pulled up on the street outside Jen couldn't help but feel a little anxious about being here.

"What?" David asked, as he turned around to where she sat in the rear alongside his daughter.

Jen just shook her head and gestured to the girl, indicating that now was not the time to discuss what was on her mind.

"Ok Cleo, you come with me first, you can go and tidy your room a little before anyone sees it. Jen you wanna hang on here while I open up then you can dart in and I'll come back for the bags?"

That's exactly what they did, Jen remaining perched on the back seat ready to speed the short distance from car to front door in as little time as possible, feeling strangely exposed and nervous despite her hooded top, her dark glasses and her mask. She needn't have worried however, as less than a minute later she was safely inside David's multi story town house waiting for him to return with their bags.

"So welcome to my home sweet home" he said with an air of nervous excitement as he hung up his jacket and kicked off his trainers, placing them in a large shoe closet which appeared to be very well stocked with numerous pairs of different coloured and styled athletic shoes. He took her grey jacket and hung it next to his own, before cradling his hands around the back of her waist and pulling her tightly into him. "I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed of this moment" he breathed into her hair. "You, here, in my house, in my arms..." she raised her eyes to meet his and they both leaned in for a short but tender kiss.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to be here" she said as she wiped his lips gently with her thumb.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour" he said with a grin, picking up their bags and leading her up a fairly ornate staircase which opened out into a huge, open plan, loft style living / kitchen / dining area.

"Wow!" Jen said with heartfelt enthusiasm, "what an incredible space."

"Thanks" David replied, "it took a lot of effort to get it how I wanted it but I think it was worth it in the end."

There as a flash of something across Jen's face again, similar to the one he had seen in the car. "What? That's the second time I've seen that look in a few minutes, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking back that's all. It seems a little strange being in here with you when I was almost your neighbour a few years back. I had my sights on a place not far at all from here, but I pulled out at the last minute because I couldn't bear the thought of being so close to you but still feeling like we were a million miles apart. And then of course there's also Justin, who lives a lot closer to here than I feel entirely comfortable with... Sorry, I'm just being a bit silly and a bit nostalgic I guess."

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