The One With The Antique Furniture

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It was the first day back on set for the start of Season Two, although it felt a little like starting all over again as the success of the show had been such that they had been moved to a bigger and better lot for shooting.  From now on Stage 24 was to be their new home away from home.

Jen was in her new dressing room, taking measurements and photos of the space as she made plans as to how she wanted to decorate and furnish it. They had been told that this stage would be theirs for as long as the show ran so they could personalise the space however they liked. Jen was already picturing the dark, hardwood flooring she wanted to put down, a light corner sofa over there, a nice dark wood coffee table. She had always had an eye for design, something she had inherited from her mother, and there was a boutique antique shop calling her name right now.

"What colour are you thinking?"

She turned around to see David leaning in the doorway, watching her every move.

"I'm going neutral, something pale and warm but with dark furniture. How about you, you decided on a style yet?" she asked.

"Hmmmmm I think I want a kind of gentleman's room sort of effect, very regal. Dark walls, maybe a red or orange, a dark leather couch, ornate mirror..... that kind of thing."

"That sounds great, I can totally picture that. You should come shopping with me, I'll introduce you to a couple of fabulous antiques places I know."

"Do you really think that's wise after what happened the last time we went shopping together?"

"We'll just be on our best behaviour this time" Jen winked at him and grinned. "No seriously, I think you'd love these stores, and we can ask the others if any of them want to come too so it's not a secret."

The two Matts declined the offer, but Courteney and Lisa had been keen, so they had arranged to meet up at one of the boutiques on Saturday morning.

Jen arrived about 20 minutes after the other three. Being late was fast becoming one of her trademarks and they all teased her about it relentlessly. They spent over an hour in the store, wandering around and pouring over all the various styles and types of furniture and ornaments. They all picked out various pieces they loved, arranging delivery to the studio, before moving on to another gem of a store a short drive away, where they each found more things to buy.

"There's one more store I want to go to" Jen said as they exited.

"Sorry but I need to get back to Michel now" Lisa replied, "we have some more wedding plans to finalise."

"And I've got to get ready for my date tonight so I'm going to head off too" Courtney smiled.

"Schwim, are you deserting me too or are you coming to the next shop?"

"Well I reckon I've got one more shop in me" he laughed in return, "as long as you don't let me buy anything reckless!"

David followed Jen's car to the final stop on their antiques road trip.

"Now you just keep your hands off me" she winked and grinned as they walked towards the entrance, "I don't want you getting me into any more trouble!"

"Touché Aniston, careful what you wish for though......" he replied with a wide smile and a raised eyebrow.

They walked around the shop for well over an hour, discussing what would work for their spaces, and pieces they'd like to buy for home too. They found they were surprisingly in sync when it came to taste and style choices. David a slightly more masculine edge to Jen's softer palette, but overall they had the same instincts. They spotted a pair of matching, round, dark wood coffee tables that they both instantly fell in love with and bought the pair so they could have one each in their dressing rooms.

"I swear I could pretty much furnish a whole house from places like this" Jen had announced as they wandered round the showroom. "This stuff has so much history and character. I mean just look at this....." she added, pointing to a large armoire in the corner.

"Well if we ever get a house together we should do that." David said quietly.

Jen stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "Do you think we'll ever get there?"

"I don't know, but I hope so....... I know I'd like to think that was somewhere in our future."

"I hope so too" she replied with a smile, "I really hope so."

They spent the rest of their time in the store designing their future home, picking furniture for each of their dream rooms and agreeing to disagree on only a couple of items.

"That was really fun" Jen said as they reached their cars, both carrying an assortment of small ornaments and pieces they had bought. "I think I've fallen in love with that dream house already....... and I'm definitely in love with the man in it."

"Where do see that dream house being, just out of interest?" David asked, a curious smile playing across his lips.

"I see it being wherever you want it to be.  I really don't care as long as you're there with me." Jen replied, taking a step closer to him instinctively then stopping herself.

"So, you wouldn't mind if it was in New York perhaps?  I'm not sure I can live the LA lifestyle for the rest of my life.  This was my parents' dream really."

"I would move anywhere to be with you" she said softly, "and I really do mean that.  I already can't imagine a future without you in it."

"I don't want to imagine a future without you in it either" he replied, equally softly, entirely glad he had his hands full of treasures from the store to stop himself from pulling her into his arms.

They looked longingly at each other for a few moments, both knowing that once again they were crossing boundaries and playing a dangerous game, but so magnetically drawn to each other that they couldn't help it.

"Ok" David said, breaking the tension of the moment, "this is getting a little intense for a parking lot........ and right now, all I want to do is take you home with me, but we keep doing that and then it just makes it harder not to do it every day, and increases the chances of getting caught out..... and I wish I had all the answers but I don't.  And the deeper I fall in love with you, the more difficult it is to hide how I feel."

"I'm sorry" Jen breathed, "I should have known this was a stupid idea, coming here together, trying to do something kind of normal when nothing about us is normal in any way........ you're right it is too hard, and it is difficult to hide.  And I want to come home with you every night, or you come home with me every night and it's tearing me apart that we can't and that we can't even be sad about it in case people ask why. Urgh, it's just a mess.  And I know it's a mess we have created, but I just can't keep away from you."

"Maybe we have to try a little harder.  Maybe we are making it worse for ourselves by being together but not being together.  Maybe we need to restrict ourselves to only being together at work again, like we agreed. And not because I want to, but because I don't think this merry-go-round is good for either of us."

"You're right....... Urgh, why are you always so damn right?!" Jen was fighting back tears again, biting her cheek in an attempt to stop them falling, "Ok....... So, I guess I'll see you at work on Monday then."

"I guess you will."  David couldn't just walk away without anything, so he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before turning tails and walking quickly to his car, not wanting her to see the tears that had also formed in his eyes.

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