The One With Use It Or Lose It

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David awoke to the distant sound of chattering and the faint smell of coffee. He raised his head from the soft white pillow and rubbed the last bit of sleep from his eyes, looking over to the clock as he did so. 9.32am. He sat himself up and stretched, looking over at his clothes which were now neatly folded on a chair in the corner. Her sensational, heart stopping dress had also been removed from where it was so eagerly cast aside last night in a heap on the floor. He smiled to himself and shook his head in disbelief as he re-lived some of the highlights of the past 24 hours in his mind. He really did feel like he was living a dream and he didn't want it to end. He heard the approach of footsteps, more than one pair of footsteps, and was suddenly pounced upon by a large white dog, quickly followed by a black and white one, both of them romping around the bed and wagging their tails vigorously to see him. "Hey buddy! Good morning to you too! Yes, and you Sophie, good morning to you as well. Urgh, Chesterfield I love you but I don't wanna eat your tail. Come over here, come on... now lie yourself down big guy. Where's that mommy of yours hey? You're in her spot now, you know that?"

"I'll just have to make myself comfortable on your side I see."

"Well, you know that's never a problem as far as I'm concerned" he laughed, his eyes unable to stop from wandering up and down her body which was dressed in only the faded black t-shirt that he'd worn the day before. He took the steaming mug of coffee she offered as she sat herself down on top of the covers in front of him, fondling the dog's ears as she took a sip from her own cup of morning coffee. "Good morning" he said, a wide grin on his face as she eyed his naked torso, spotting a couple of marks she had left the night before and blushing slightly as she recalled the wild ride she had given him.

"Good morning to you too. Sleep well?"

"Like a baby. You completely wore me out. How about you?"

"Oh, I slept really good thanks" she giggled. She took another sip of her hot coffee as Sophie pushed her way in between them and settled herself down with a heavy flop. She looked David square in the eye, smiling somewhat shyly.

"Last night was...." they both said at exactly the same time.

"Amazing" she continued.




"One of the best nights of my life" she said. "One that I know is still going to warm my heart when we're old and grey and wrinkled."

"Where do you think we'll be when we are older and greyer and wrinklier?" he asked, "I mean, where do you picture us living?"

"I honestly don't know" she replied thoughtfully, "I don't really see you ever wanting to move back here full time, and I'm not sure I could go back to living in New York full time, much as I love it, but then I've not been back properly for ages so maybe... oh, I don't know. Perhaps Chicago? I could happily live there. But to be honest, as long as we're together I'll live anywhere. How about you? Do you have any strong thoughts?"

"Very similar to you I guess. I like my life in New York but I would absolutely move here in a heartbeat if it was what worked best for us, when Cleo is old enough not to need me around all the time, of course. Chicago is great too, that might work. Or maybe we could just split our lives between the two coasts and do six months in each."

"That would work for me" she said with a smile. "That's definitely worth a conversation when the time is right."

"Haha another 'when the time is right' situation" he laughed, putting his hand up in mock defense, "I'm joking, I'm joking... I wasn't trying to put pressure on you about this by the way, I was just interested to know if you had a vision of what our future might look like."

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