The One With Can We Be Friends?

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Jen smiled and waved at the security guy who let her past the gate as she drove through the sprawling site and wound the familiar old route to the Stage 24 parking lot. As she drew to a stop and killed the engine, she felt a warm hand on her knee. She turned to face her passenger, who had not stopped smiling and staring at her the whole way here. "What?" she said through a wide grin.

"Nothing.... just thinking.... and remembering..."

"Well, you better wipe that smile from your face before we walk in there mister. I know I said I didn't care anymore, and I really don't, but that doesn't mean I want everyone to know our private business either." She leaned over and placed a quick peck on his lips, before pulling away and giving him a wink as she exited the car and retrieved all her things from the trunk.

Everyone else had already arrived and was back in hair and make-up as the two of them strolled in, arm in arm and laughing. The atmosphere was already much different to the previous day, a lot less melancholy and reflective, and much more celebratory and party like. They had multiple interviews scheduled to start the day, the three girls and the three boys grouped together, so it was almost lunch time before Jen and David even had chance to see each other again in passing. And that was pretty much how it continued for the rest of the day. Things were busy, frantic, and full-on, and there was barely chance to catch a breath before one segment had finished and they were rushed on to the next. There was definitely no chance of a secret trailer hook-up today, not that they really needed it as this time, they both knew they would be leaving together tonight, and that was a thought that kept their hearts fluttering all day long.

Before they knew it, the time had come for them to do the live audience interview with James Corden. They had been kept away from their family and friends, who were to be present at the filming, in order to build the best possible atmosphere for the show. As the six of them exited their trailers and huddled in the outdoor backstage area, privately this time, not one that was being filmed for posterity, Jen felt David's hand sneak around her waist, his fingers gripping tightly onto her exposed skin. "You look insanely hot" he whispered into her ear, "seriously.... wow!"

Jen looked lovingly at him, "I was just thinking the same about you, that suit is..... well, it suits you that's for sure." Her hand was high on his back as she leaned her head onto his shoulder, "Mmmmm you smell good too" she whispered up to him. "You ready to do this?"

He smiled down at her, "so ready" he nodded as the six Friends split apart and made their way to the side of the stage where they could hear the crowd being readied for their appearance. Jen strode out to the front, suddenly desperate to get out there and bask in the glory of their show on this extra special night. David watched from the back of the group, unable to wipe the grin from his face as she shimmied and shined her way onto set.

"You look like the cat who got the cream" teased Matt who had been watching the two of them flirt their way through the past two days, "and it's about time too."

"I have no idea what you're talking about" David replied with a wide grin and a playful punch as they joined in the parade out to the stage area, waving, smiling and laughing together.

The interview went brilliantly, in fact it could not have gone any better except that Jen had been incredibly nervous as they got to the crush discussion and had, in her opinion, harshly thrown it over to David since they both knew he was much more eloquent in situations like this. It wasn't that she didn't have the words or the skills, she just found it incredibly difficult to talk about him in public, she always had. She put it down to years and years of having to cover up her true feelings and longing for him, and she didn't entirely trust herself not to reveal that the man who had stolen her heart 27 years ago had recently stolen it all over again. Hell, she hadn't even properly had that discussion with him yet, although she would, and she hoped it would be soon.

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