The One With Christmas In New York

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Jen made sure the fire was roaring as warmly and brightly as the smile in her heart when she filmed herself adding some perfectly promotional Lolavie bottles to the stockings she'd lovingly packed for her best girl friends. She was so excited to see them all for their annual Christmas gathering, a tradition that had begun around thirty years earlier in their days of living an almost community type lifestyle high in the Laurel Canyon Hills. Jen remembered those days with great fondness. Her life had been so different back then, in many ways simpler, and she would be eternally grateful to the team of girls, now mature women, who had lifted her up and supported her from the moment they'd all met. She was a great believer in fate and everything happening for a reason, and she would never be convinced that these angels hadn't been sent to rescue her from the cruel hand dealt by her back then less than supportive and constantly warring parents. Those girls became the family she had always longed for, accepting her, and soon after her high school best friend Dre too, into their group with open arms and open hearts. Friendships forged on tales of woe, career changing doors frequently being slammed shut in all of their faces, but together determined each to make their mark and keep striving for that one connection, that one opportunity, that one moment that would turn hard work into success. And they had all found their own successes. Jen obviously the most famous of the gang, but each of them being rightly proud of the glittering career paths they'd fought hard to carve.

For the first few years they had gathered together on Christmas Day, all of them preferring to celebrate with their friends rather than their families for a variety of reasons. However, over time, as several members of the gang were married and children began to appear, the tradition was moved to Christmas Eve lunch instead. That tradition had remained strong despite several changes in marital and parental status, only one year being missed in all that time... the year Jen and Brad decided to separate right around the holiday period and Jen feeling unable to cope with such a gathering when her heart was smashed into a million agonising shards of despair. They had all gathered shortly after New Year however, exchanging gifts and extending their total love and support to their heartbroken friend, not knowing the full story of why she was so completely shattered until a few short months ago, when she'd filled them in on the whole sorry tale a couple of days after she'd come clean to Court and Lisa.

This year would be different again. This year they were celebrating extra early because Jen was flying off to spend Christmas in New York and she could barely contain her excitement as she sang and danced her way around the house putting the finishing touches to the decorations and packing up her last few bits.

"You're not going to spring any surprise gifts on me are you?" she'd asked David earlier that morning as they chatted on FaceTime. "I know we agreed time together was the only gift either of us needed or wanted but promise me you're not going to make me feel guilty by bringing out a present on the day."

David had laughed softly, "I almost did" he answered honestly, "I almost caved and bought you something, but I decided not to because we agreed. You're not going to break the rules either are you?" he asked, raising his eyebrow and wagging his finger at her through the screen.

Jen had smiled as she shook her head, "I almost got you something too, but I figured you might be annoyed at me, so I didn't." She'd gazed with intent into her phone, "I can't wait to be with you again. This past seven weeks has felt like a lifetime."

"I know, I'm desperate to see you and hold you too" he'd said, wishing he could reach into the screen and pull her into his arms. They'd spent Jen's previous last morning in New York trying to find a break in their schedules when they could see each other before Christmas, but for one reason or another, they couldn't find a long enough gap to justify the eight or so hours of travelling each way in order to have less than forty-eight hours together.

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