The One With Good Vibrations

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"See, now I'm getting a little self-conscious too" said Jen as she opened a small and unassuming drawer in her bathroom. She retrieved a small container that could have been mistaken for a jewellery box had he not already known better about its contents.

"Have you ever done this before?" he asked, "shared this I mean."

"Honestly, yes" she replied, "but somehow this feels different. This is probably too much information and sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but when I've used anything with someone before, it was to try and resurrect something that wasn't going too well and with you, that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm a little scared this might make you look at me differently."

"Why on earth would I look at you differently? There's nothing remotely wrong with using toys" he said as he followed her into the bedroom and they both sat down on the bed. He continued to talk and watch as she opened the lid but didn't yet reveal the contents to him. "Look, if it's not something you're completely comfortable with sharing with me, please don't feel pressured in any way. I only suggested it because... well, because you brought it up. And in case you're wondering, no I've not done this before so I have no preconceptions."

"No, I want to share... but... well, let's see where this takes us shall we and then you can decide if you feel differently..."

Jen removed three things from the box and laid them out on the bed in front of them. There was a long, cylindrical shaped one in a bright pink colour that had an angled, bullet shaped tip and a rounded, sticking out piece in a kind of hook shape about halfway up on one side. Next to that was a small, oval shaped one that looked like an egg, and then alongside that was one not too dissimilar to the pink one, only it was completely smooth, straight metal all the way around and silver in colour.

"So, which is your favourite?" he asked with a grin that was still a little uncertain but at the same time his eyes told her he was more than a little intrigued and definitely ready to know and see more.

"The pink one" she grinned, "that's my go to, but the others definitely have their uses too." She looked him straight in the eye, "you want to have a try?"

"Uhhhmmm sure" he replied, not entirely sure whether she meant on her or on him but more than happy to go with whatever she suggested.

"I think we'll need to lose these" she said, undoing her top and wriggling free of her bikini bottoms, "you too" she added with a wide grin, nodding downwards. She moved the box off the bed as he was busy removing his trunks and then gestured him to lay down beside her. "So, if I was on my own I'd need to imagine you here, kissing me, and holding me and doing all those little things that you know turn me on... but since you're right here with me, this time I don't have to imagine" she said as she inched closer and pressed their naked bodies together, her lips finding his gently but with obvious intent. It didn't take too long for them both to feel their needs growing and intensifying as tongues began to swirl and hands began to wander, slowly and lovingly, caressing chests and shoulders and backs but avoiding anywhere south of the hips just yet. "Mmmmm actually having you here is so much better than imagining you here" Jen breathed after a few more minutes of leisurely arousal had passed by. She reached behind her and picked up the pink vibrator, holding it up between the two of them. "So uhhmmm, you want to watch or you want to help?"

David felt a jolt rush right to the centre of his groin and he twitched rapidly in response. "I want to watch first" he said quietly, swallowing hard at the thought of what he was about to witness.

"Okay" she said, moving herself away from him slightly, turning sideways, her feet flat on the bed and her knees falling wide apart so that he would get a better view of what she was about to begin. She tapped one of the buttons at the base and it instantly began to vibrate lightly and surprisingly quietly. Her eyes watching his face which was transfixed by her hand movements. She began to slowly run the tip up and down her centre, really gently at first, almost as if she was vibrating the air around herself. "I like to start really slow" she said as he looked on with interest and ever growing lust. "Just like when you are blowing softly and placing the most gentle kisses on me." She began to move it up and down with a little more intent as she carried on describing how it felt. "I like to do this so it makes every nerve ending feel alive rather than diving straight in, it gets me much more ready for the main event." She carried on rubbing it up and down, but avoiding her most sensitive spot for now. "I like to prolong the feeling of need" she said, "I really want more but if I make myself wait a little longer it's so much more intense."

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