The One Where They Keep It Quiet

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"Jen, it's 3.30am, why are you awake?"

"I can't sleep. Why are you awake?"

"The light from your phone woke me."

"Shit, sorry honey. You go back to sleep, I'll turn it off."

"No, it's ok I'm awake now. So what's up? You still worried about Cleo being here?"

"Maybe a little. I uhmmmm... I might have checked on her a couple of times already."


"And she's fast asleep and perfectly fine. I know... I know... I just can't help it."

"Sweetie, it's completely normal, you'll get used to it I promise. If she needs anything then she'll come and get us, but 99 percent of the time she won't and the other one percent well, you just learn to deal with."

"But what if she ever needs you and she walks in and we're... well you know, we're... busy."

"Well, she wouldn't just walk in, she'd knock and wait, just like she does at home."

"Oh ok, good to know." Jen was glad it was dark as she dared herself to ask the next question that flashed into her mind. "So, errrrmmmm... does she often wake up once she's asleep, like, you know, if she heard noises or anything?"

"Hahaha, if you mean do you have to be silent during sex the answer is no. Although maybe best to try not screaming curse words too loudly either" he added with a dirty giggle, thankful she couldn't see the blush on his face in the darkness.

"Hey, it's not just me that does that mister" she teased, poking him in the chest before snuggling her head down onto it, running her nails over his finely haired torso, enjoying the feeling of the soft curls interplaying between her fingers.

"Yeah well, that's entirely your fault" he taunted, gliding his hand up and down her spine causing goosebumps to appear all over her body. Sensing she was not averse to what he was doing, he continued to trace silent patterns up and down her naked back, sinking lower and lower, below the base of her spine, over her hips and butt, and down to the super sensitive crease at the back of her thighs, then all the way back up again. Just gentle, casual little caresses but ones he could tell were starting to have an impact on her.

Her fingers began to explore a little more too as her body reacted instinctively to his delicate touch. She began circling his nipples then tracing a line down the centre of his chest, just as far as his navel, then back. Although they were lay in complete silence, the only sound being the gentle brushing of skin against skin, there was an intense, unspoken conversation happening between them. The air was becoming more and more charged as if suddenly electrified by their subtle actions. The fact that the room was in almost total darkness only served to heighten the mood. There was a similar vibe to several occasions in the back of her dimly lit car. A sense of not really being all too sure how far they should let this go, but their bodies enjoying the silent communication far too much to simply stop.

As David's fingertips began to spend more and more time running over the highly erogenous area of her upper thighs, she began to place soft, feathery kisses across his chest and collarbone, angling her body further in towards him as she did so, which inadvertently allowed his hand much easier access to her most intimate area, an advantage he gratefully accepted as he let his fingertips begin to graze the area around her centre with the most delicate of touches.

In response to his touch, which had Jen's senses reeling already, she began to allow her hand to wander down below his bellybutton, continuing to trace the line of soft hair until it became thicker and more dense. As her fingertips brushed against him, firmly pointing upwards towards her, she felt a strong, tingling surge deep down in her core.

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